Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post

10 min treadmill warmup
rope pressdowns 70x10 80x10 90x10
dual rope pressdowns 100x10 110x10 120x10 120x10
lying db extensions 40x10 45x10 55x10 60x10
sm close grip bench 135x8 185x8/2 (these are done to the neck elbows flaring at the bottom for max stretch. very awkward to get used to)
standing bb curls 30x20 40x20 60x20 70x20
incline db curls 25x8/4 (all the other db were taken so i made do with 4 sec contractions and super slow negs. these really hurt bad)
hs preachers 35x8 45x8 55x8 65x8
20 mins incline treadmill walking (hate it)

done for the day. i normally would do cardio am fasted but since today was arms only i decided to only get in a small meal and then roll in and do cardio immediately after training. arms only takes 30-45 mins most of the time so i can push the pace and get some good work in on both. good workout overall and still feeling strong across the board.

meal 1
protein cakes w/sugar free jelly
2 tblspn coconut oil
intra workout
2 scoops intra md
meal 2
16oz tilapia
2 1/4 cups basmatti rice
meal 3
16oz ground turkey w/mustard
3/4 cup cream of rice w/ sugar free jelly
meal 4
16oz turk
3/4cup cream of rice w/sugar free jelly
meal 5
16oz ground turk
2 1/4 cup basmatti rice
Guns, what's your take on rolling right from weights to cardio? You take anything, bcaa, etc..between weights and cardio?
I'm sure time of day and how extensive the weight session is comes into play?