
10 min treadmill warmup
rumble roller and lacross ball work
lying leg curls 60x12 70x12 80x12(warmups) 90x12 100x12 120x12 110x12
squats 135x8 225x8 275x8 315x8 (back actually felt awesome)
leg press 290x20 580x20 760x20 1010x30 1010x30 1010x30 (strongman buddy did huge jumps and i wasnt moving weight on and off, so i actually surprised myself a bit)
walking db lunges 30x10/3(10 reps per leg)

done for the day. warmed up really really well. i focused big time on rolling and getting good and stretched out and planned on going really really easy but i was good so i pushed a little bit harder than what i had planned on. i am killed from the workout though and destroyed legs. i will know tomorrow for sure if i reaggervated my back again or not. i feel good for now though and i stretched out really well again post workout also so hopefully i got everything opened up good.

meal 1
16oz top round steak
2tblspn coconut oil
meal 2
protein cakes
intra workout meal
4 scoops intra md w/ gallon water
meal 3
16oz turkey burgers w/cheese and onions
8oz sweet potato
meal 4
16oz roast beef w/cheese
8oz red potato
meal 5
16oz bbq chicken
2tbl spn coconut oil