
10 min treadmill warmup
did some trigger point release stuff with a lacross ball on my back
hs iso low rows 45x10 25x10/2(warmups) 45x10 70x10 95x10 115x10
scap stretch pulldowns 100x10(feel set) 140x8 160x8 180x8(to heavy) 140x8
ng low cable rows 100x10(feel set) 140x10 180x10 180x10
rack pulls 135x5 205x5 225x5 255x5 275x5 315x14(challenge set)
one arm sup pulldowns 25x10 35x10 45x10 55x10
banded hypers (red med band) x17 x12 x12

done for the day. trained at a different gym today so i actually got to use the hammer low row machine. back is probably pretty wrecked from the new movement and angles. everything feels pretty good other than the stupid forearms and the aggervating lower back crap. overall i would say a really effective and productive workout today and i feel pretty good.

meal 1
16oz top round steak
2tblspn coconut oil
meal 2
protein cakes
intra workout meal
3 scoops intra md w/ gallon water
meal 3
16oz turkey burgers w/cheese
8oz sweet potato
meal 4
some sort of sandwiches or something bad(havent decided just yet)
meal 5
16oz bbq chicken
2tbl spn coconut oil