
10 min treadmill warmup
rotator cuff work
sm incline 135x25/3 165x20 195x15 225x10(5) 255x8(5)(1) first two work sets are straight rep 3d was straight with 5 forced and final was straight reps then 5 forced and a 10 sec iso hold in the top quarter
hex press 40x10 50x10 60x10ds 50x9ds 40x8
decline press 75x8 80x8 85x8ds 55x12
machine flyes 120x15(1) straight reps here and a 10 sec partner pressing iso hold
reverse pec deck 75x15 90x15 90x15(1) straight reps and for the final set straight reps and a 10 sec partner pressing iso hold for 10secs
bb front raise 40x12 50x12 60x12
6 ways 10x12/2 (barely got these and i had to stand up to do them) ouch is all i can say

done for the day. absolutely brutal chest day. i went with my strong man buddy today and yesterday so i got slayed with lots of pushing haha. my lower back is still pretty freaking ill tempered and my radial part of both my forearms freaking still hurts pretty bad. i think i am getting some nasty tendonitisus or something going on in there because it is on both sides. elbows are sore but dont hurt so that's kind of weird.

meal 1
16oz top round steak
2tblspn coconut oil
meal 2
protein cakes
intra workout meal
2 scoops intra md w/ gallon water
meal 3
16oz turkey burgers w/cheese
8oz sweet potato
meal 4
stromboli and pizza is ;planned for today
meal 5
16oz roast beef
2tbl spn coconut oil