Quote Originally Posted by gusto77 View Post
I've been experiencing horrible ab cramps. Sometimes they occur simply from bending over to tie my shoe or pick something up. They occur in the same exact spot every time and Im beginning to wonder if I don't have some type of hernia or abdominal wall tear. Speaking of sex cramps I saw an ex girlfriend a couple of weeks back and sure enough about 2 minutes into it my abs cramped something fierce. It ended up she had to do all the work. Kind of embarrassing and super super painful. Im beginning to worry about it a bit.
it can be coming from sodium pottasium or lack of water. 2 or more gals a day and track your sodium and pottasium intakes. that's where my issues come from when i am lazy and not pushing enough water and getting in enough salt. i sweat like a horse and wear hoodies when i train so i have to stay on top of mine more than others do