
10 min treadmill warmup
db rows 40x10 50x10 60x10(warmups) 70x10 85x10 100x10 115x10
cable pullovers 55x10 70x10 85x10 100x10
swiss bar pulldowns 100x10 120x10 140x10 140x10
one arm reverse pulldowns 40x10 50x10 60x10 70x10
toe press ts 190x10ts 210x10ts 230x10ts
standing calf raise ts bw x10/3ts
tibia raises ts 50x40ts 50x31ts 50x23

done for the day. good workout took a while to get warmed up though. felt really strong but i didnt push it because it was a secondary day

meal 1
protein cakes
intra workout meal
intra workout shake 25g whey hydroslate 75g vitargo
meal 2
16oz round steak w/a1
2 tbl spn coconut oil
meal 3
16oz ground turkey w/ketchup
8oz sweet potato
meal 4
16oz turkey breast meat
8oz red potato
meal 5
16oz ground beef w/ketchup and mustard