
10 min treadmill warmup
machine press 105x8 120x8 135x8 150x8 165x8 180x8 195x8 210x8 225x8 ds 225x8ds 180x8ds 150x8 (brutal brutal brutal)
incline press (3sec neg pause at the bottom) 135x6 155x6 175x6 195x6 215x6
db flat press 40x8 60x8 70x8 ds 75x8ds 60x8ds 45x7(1) last set of drop had a 10 sec forced stretch at the end
reverse peck deck flyes 75x15 75x15 75x15
machine press 100x8 140x8 150x8 ds 150x8ds 120x8ds 100x23(these were top end partials)
db lat swings 50x25/2

done for the day. workout started a bit crappy. i got a little twinge in my right pec so i had to be extra extra easy. i think it is from a bad hit and it let me know it wasnt very happy and not to push it. strength was also down a bit today but overall i feel pretty good. i was in bed and asleep before 8 last night and up at 6 so i am def rested. i guess my rest day timing is lining up perfect tomorrow by my strength drop today. now it's time for some football again

meal 1
16oz total weight steak egg and cheese bagels
2 tbl spn coconut oil
meal 2
protein cakes
intra workout meal
intra workout shake 25g whey hydroslate 75g vitargo
meal 3
16oz ground turkey w/ketchup
8oz sweet potato
meal 4
16iz chicken
large mixed green salad
meal 5
16oz grilled salmon kabobs w/veges