
10 min stepmill warmup
seated leg curls 75x15 90x15 105x15(warmups) 120x12 150x12 165x12 180x12
squats 185x10 225x10 (warmups) 275x10 315x10 365x10 ds 405x5ds 315x10ds 225x15 (these were stupid brutal today)
leg extensions 105x12 105x12 105x12(5)(1) first two sets are straight with a hard squeeze at the top 3d set was straight then 5 forced reps with a 10 sec iso hold at the bottom third partner pushing against it
hacks 230x20 270x20 360x20 (4) last set included 4 10 sec iso holds
lying leg curls 90x12 100x12 110x12(1) last set included a 10 sec iso hold after the straight reps

done for the day. this was a brutal ass kicking session. so brutal in fact that i had to pause and slow down on my squats because my stomach rolled over on me after the first set. so it took a bit longer than i like to finish the squats. after the drop set i was freaking wasted so it was a mental push to finish the workout. i did get it knocked out and i actually left the gym wabbling a little bit. now my legs are buckling so it was mission accomplished.

meal 1
16oz top round steak w/a1
2 tbl spn coconut oil
meal 2
75g myfusion probiotic pro 3cups almond milk
1/2 cup cream of rice with 1tbl spn almond butter and sf chocolate syrup
intra workout meal
intra workout shake 25g whey hydroslate 150g branch chain maltodextrin
meal 3
16oz ground turkey w/ketchup
8oz sweet potato
meal 4
16oz strip steak sandwiches w/ whole wheat buns and the works
8oz red potatoes
meal 5
80g dark matter post workout