
10 min stepmill warmup
lying leg curls 60x15 70x15 80x15 80x15 80x15
squats 135x10 185x10 225x10(warmups) 275x8 315x8 365x8 385x8 355x8 (should have moved up to 405 but wasnt feeling it so i went back down a little)
hacks sled x20 20x20 50x30 (2) (2 was 2 10 sec partner pressing iso holds)
leg extensions 105x20 120x20(5)(1) 120x20(5)(1) first numb 1 sec squeeze in contract sec numb is 5 forced reps and third is a 10 sec iso hold
lying leg curls 100x15 100x15(5)(1) 100x15(5)(1) first numb is straight rep second is forced reps third is a 10 sec iso hold at the bottom

done for the day and under 2 hours in the gym. this session was an ass kicker and brutal. that's all i will say other than my legs are going to hurt something fierce and a have a little bit of a sore knee going on. i dont even want to talk about the hammie pump and how brutal the squats were lol. i kept my speed until the next to last set though which is a good sign that my strength is climbing week to week and my back only hurt a little bit. all in all i killed it and didnt throw up, close but i kept it all down haha

meal 1
16oz lean ground beef w/a1
2 tbl spn coconut oil
meal 2
75g myfusion probiotic pro 3cups almond milk
1/2 cup cream of rice with 1tbl spn almond butter and sf chocolate syrup
intra workout meal
intra workout shake 25g whey hydroslate 150g branch chain maltodextrin
meal 3
12 whole egg sandwiches w/ oatmeal bread and fat free mayo
8oz sweet potato
meal 4
16oz turkey meat loaf (it is really good btw)
large green salad
meal 5
80g dark matter post workout