
10 min treadmill warmup
3in grenade ball pullovers 25x20/3 (warmups)
reverse grip one arm pulldowns 30x10 50x10 70x10 (warmups)
meadows rows 35x10/2(warmups) 90x8 115x8 135x8 135x8
old school tbar rows (deadstop) 120x10 165x8 205x6 230x6 (freaking crazy heavy)
rack pulls ss 275x5ss 315x5ss 405x5ss 405x5ss (mid shin and done dead stop style)
chins ss x6/4
db shrugs 75x20 3 sec contraction
banded hypers x15 drop band x10 these were done with the medium red band

great freaking session today and very very heavy. i felt 100% and great. did the session with my strongman buddy and i am pretty sure that i killed him overall. he is strong and pushes me pretty hard but he isnt used to these types of movements or the heavy weight with lots of volume. pump was killer and my lat didnt hurt at all today so all in all sick session.

meal 1
12 whole eggs scrambled with cheese
2 tbl spn coconut oil
meal 2
75g myfusion probiotic pro 3cups almond milk
2 boston cream pie toaster strudel
meal 3
12 whole egg sandwiches w/ oatmeal bread and fat free bacon mayo
8oz sweet potato
meal 4
16oz lean ground beef w/ taco seasoning
8oz baked sweet potato plain
meal 5
80g dark matter post workout