
10 min treadmill warmup
rotator cuff work
bb shrugs 135x20 185x20 225x12/3 (final 3 sets were 3 sec holds in the contraction)
reverse pec deck ss 60x20ss 75x20ss 90x20ss/2
band rear delt pulls ss x10/4 (used the small orange bands)
lat db swings 45x30 50x30/2 55x30
slide the rack press 95x10 105x10 115x10
laying leg raises x15/4
machine crunches x20/2 x15/2
done for the day

not to bad of a workout. my rear delts got stupid pumped as did the lateral head on the swings. very productive and not a whole lot of pain in my shoulders today at all, so i am pretty sure my getting back to 100% timeline is right on the money. i know my body pretty freaking good i suppose. still stretching out that stupid arm sleeve which sucks cause it makes my whole hand go almost entirely numb within a few sets. it is getting better every day though.

meal 1
16oz skirt steaks w/a1
1 can orange cinnamon rolls made into waffles
meal 2
75g myfusion probiotic pro 3cups almond milk
2 tbl spn almond butter and 100g cream of wheat w/ sugar free chocolate syrup
meal 3
16oz spinach and mozerella sasauges w/ sour kraut and mustard
8oz sweet potato
meal 4
16oz shake and bake chicken strips garlic and herb w/ketchup
8oz hash browns w/cheese
meal 5
100g whey shake

2 gal water