Quote Originally Posted by Trixie View Post
I have been trying to sneak over here and ask you what is the cns all day and Rake keeps catching me. He is non negotiable on the abs but I really want a small waist. Now he's watching like a hawk today to make sure I was crunching. Does that cns have to do with lower back?? Is that why mine is killing me? I have to come over and hide on your thread to even get a word in on this
lol, well your lower back is probably killing you because your abs are becoming stronger than your lower back. this can cause an imbalance and will make your lower back hurt all of the time. cns is your central nervous system. think it about this way, all of your vitals are located in your ab area so they are constantly working be it digesting food keeping you upright etc.... then when you train it over and over and over again with high reps on top of all the other work it does it stress your cns. this in turn can make you sick over trained and also as they adapt to the stimulus they grow. so for most people 1-3 times a week of ab work is plenty. what most people do is just pump away rep after rep after rep which yes does work the muscle but you can effectively do the same thing with far less reps and sets. all you have to do is focus on the stretch and contraction just like your bicep or other muscle. your stretch is at the bottom and when you hit the peak contraction you exhale out every bit of air that's in your lungs and squeeze the abs as hard as you can for 1-3 secs. then back to the stretch. 10-20 reps is plenty for 4-6 sets for upper and the same for lower. now i am not bull headed in thinking that their are people that can hammer away with tons of reps and sets and their abs not grow but for most people over time they will begin to get bigger