
45 min treadmill am fasted cardio

back(ran short on time so tris will be tomorrow)
10 min treadmill warmup
rumble roller work and stretching
cable pullovers 40x20 55x20 70x20 85x12
mag sup grip pulldowns 70x15 100x12 120x10
meadows rows 50x8 75x8 95x8 120x8 (the last set was done with only my bottom 2 fingers on the bar so it was a bit nasty)
t bar rows (off floor) 95x10 120x8 145x6 170x6
stetchers (nutr grip) 100x12 120x12
banded rack pulls 135x10 225x10 275x10 315x15(kill set) these were done with the short pro bands hooked under the feet

this was a freaking great back day. felt strong and pumped the whole way. so much so that sweat was dripping out of my sleeve cuffs and out of the bottom. i feel awesome but i did get burned in the tanning bed after lol. it happens

meal lineup
meal 1
16oz tilipia
50g cream of rice with 1 tbl spoon sugar free jelly
meal 2
16oz tilipia
meal 3
16oz ground turkey
1/4 cup sour kraut
meal 4
16oz ground turkey
9 pieces asparagus
meal 5
16oz chcken
50g cream of rice w/ 2 tblspn sugar free jelly
meal 6
16oz ground turkey