
10min tread mill warm up
rotator cuff work
incline db press 40x30 50x20 70x20 90x20 110x17 60x20
machine press ss 120x20ss 135x20ss 150x20ss 180x12ss
pec deck flyes 60x20 75x20 105x20 120x18
hs incline press 45x20 70x20 90x14 115x10 with 20 partials on the bottom end
machine preacher curls 50x20 70x20 90x20 11019
standing cable curls (ascending to descending set) 35x10as 40x10as 50x10 60x10as 70x10as 80x10as 90x7as 80x10ds 70x10ds 60x10ds 50x10ds 40x10ds 30x20
rope cable curls drop set 100x10ds 90x10ds 80x10ds 70x10ds 60x10ds 50x10ds 40x10ds 30x20ds

done for the day

daily menu:
meal 1
100g whey shake
150g baby food oats
meal 2
16oz steak
2 tbl spn coconut oil
meal 3 (post workout)
100g whey shake
150g babyfood oats
meal 4
16oz steak
2 tbl spns coconut oil
meal 5
16oz chicken
green veges
meal 6
16oz top round steak
green veges.
meal 7
100g whey shake in water