
15min step mil
lying leg curls 45x30/3
leg extensions 45x50 60x40 75x30 105x20 120x20 135x20 150x15 165x15
squats 135x20 225x20 315x15 405x12 405x10 stopped short cause knee started getting a touch irritated
leg press 200x50 400x40 600x30 700x20 800x15
static holds 1min/4
sissy squats no weight x15/4

done for the day.

note: not feeling it at all today. cold and rainy and my joints were already achy before i even went in. i knew it was going to be crappy and as soon as i went to start warming up my guts started rolling on me so that is pretty much a day ender. pushed through though and got it done