
15 min step mil
pec dec 60x30 75x25 90x20 105x20 120x20 150x15
incline db press 50x20 60x20 80x20 100x20 110x20
flat bb press 135x20 225x15 275x15 315x12
hs incline 45x20 90x15 135x15
alternating db curls 20x20 30x20 40x15 50x12
db hammer curls 25x20 30x20 40x15 50x15 60x12
close grip cable curl ds 100x10ds 80x10ds 60x10ds 50x10ds
wide grip cable curl ds 100x10ds 80x10ds 60x10ds 50x10
reverse grip cable curl ds 80x10ds 60x10ds 50x10ds 40x10

that was it for the day. trained with my new project and i didnt want to get to crazy on her. she will be up to full speed next week for sure hopefully after hams on thursday. she was wrecked pretty good after back and tris but her recovery is super fast at only 3 days. should be interesting