hams only today:

15 min step mil warmup as always
seated leg curls 75x30 90x30 120x25 150x20 180x20 195x15 215x15
db leg curls 15x25 20x20 25x20 30x20 35x15 (try these they are stupid brutal)
standing one leg curls 30x25 45x20 55x20 65x15
stiff leg deads 135x20 185x20 225x15 275x15
db lunges 40-40yards 4 rounds
vertical leg curls on lying leg curl machine (explain below) 30x30 50x25 80x20 (testing these out)
ok on the lying leg curl machine you move knee at the end of the pad propping yourself verical on your hands. your raise the weight up to your ass just like a normal leg curl. it is almost a modified standing leg curl but the movement will be felt in the upper ham/glute tie in area. this of course is a finishing movement.

ok brief breakdown of the last quad and ham day. i had a lady friend at the gym manned up and said she wanted to learn how to properly wreck her legs. she is a little bitty thing and is in great shape already but in a normal person good shape. she wants to bring up her legs and shoulders so she wanted to give it a go haha. so quads monday and killed it. she was in on tuesday and said they were a little sore and tight but she was good. she didnt show up on weds at all cause she said she couldnt walk. she soldiered through hams today like a champ haha and she wont be worth anything this weekend. i killed her again with a moderate workout today. good times