
15 min step mil
db bench press 40x30 50x25 60x20 80x20 90x20 100x20 110x15 120x15
incline db flyes 25x20 30x20 40x20 50x15
incline bb press 135x20 185x20 225x15 275x15
db hammers 20x20 25x20 30x20 35x15 40x15 50x12
db curls 15x20 25x20 30x20 35x15 40x15
db preachers (one arm at a time 15x20 20x20 30x15 35x12

done sir done. it was thick ass heffer tuesday at the gym today. i was thinking it was wild wilderbeast weds but remembered that it was only tues. i know that is messed up but i saw a lady that competed in bbing 2 years ago at 118lbs and saw her today and she had to have weighed close to 220 at 5-2. not muscle either. just dont see how dedicated people can let themselves slide that much. at 12% i feel like a cow myself and i just cant see how someone that looked that great could just go to crap that way. just blows me away