yesterday and today was just 30 minutes of medium level cardio. very very boring but got a lot of people watching done. seen a lot of pretty big dudes with stick legs a ton of guys with cut off shirts and air lats, half dressed hotties and the usual old people. let me tell you my opinion of the big guy with the tiny legs. YOU LOOK ****ING STUPID AND IT IS 10X HARDER TO CATCH YOUR LEGS UP TO YOUR UPPER BODY. it blows my mind people work so hard on their upper bodies and neglect their legs. news flash the harder that you train the legs the more your upper body grows also. one more word of wisdom from me: YOUR TINY ASS LEGS CANNOT BE COVERED UP WITH SWEAT PANTS, BAGGY WORKOUT PANTS OR THOSE LONG ASS BAGGY BASKETBALL SHORTS. you can still tell that you look like you are riding around on a mini chicken. dont be a chump and dont let dick skip leg day haha. sorry for the rant but their are a lot more people out there with a ton of potential but their are either a lazy or b just a straight up ***** ass punk ***** that wont do legs