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    Thread: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's

    1. #31
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      yeah it is always funny after the fact. damn dysentery and concussion of blasts wrecked my guts. throw in some bug or a little touch of bad food and it's game over for me. proiboitics are a must in my daily routine for damn sure

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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's

      quads today and it was as hard core as i could get:

      15min step mil
      leg extensions 30x50 45x40 60x30 90x25 120x20 150x20 180x20
      squats 135x20 225x10 315x10 405x10 500x10/3 225x15 yep they are all atg every single rep with a 2 second pause in the hole and a hard contraction at the top for 2
      leg press 200x50 400x40 600x30 700x20 800x15
      static hold on wall 4 sets 60 seconds
      leg extensions dropsets 150x10ds 135x10ds 120x10ds 105x10ds 90x10ds 75x10ds 60x10 did these for 3 rounds

      pretty brutal pump today. felt good even after yesterdays gut debacle and being a day behind

    3. #33
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      15 min step mil
      bb shrugs 135x30/2 225x20/2 315x20/2 first set was in front and second was done behind the back
      rear delt rope pulldowns 30x30 45x25 60x20 75x20 90x20
      db front raise 15x20 25x20 30x20 35x20 40x15
      db side lats 10x30 15x25 20x20 25x20 30x20
      btn press 135x30 185x25 225x20/2 full range of motion of course
      db shrugs 40x20 50x20 65x20 75x20 85x20 95x20

      done for the day

    4. #34
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      hams today:

      15min step mil as always. i love to hate that damn thing
      lying leg curls 50x30 60x25 80x20 100x20 dropsets 100x10ds 80x10ds 60x10ds 40x10/ i did this for 4 rounds
      leg press feet high on platform 200x50 400x40 600x30 800x20 400x30
      db walking lunges 35lb for about 40 yards for 4sets
      seated leg curls 80x20 100x20 120x20 140x20
      my version of glute ham raise 60x20 80x20 100x20 120x20
      done for the day

      i had the cable guys training with me today and while warming up one of them tore his hammie on the lying leg curls. these guys try to keep up with the reps but not always the weight. i try to tell them how important it is to get a good warm up and sweat going before actually doing you workout warm up. he said it popped three times when he contracted it. it didnt lock up or anything like that and he could still contract it with no issues but couldnt stretch it at all. so i am going with it is going to be black and blue by the end of the day and he has at the minimum a partial tear of something in there

    5. #35
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's

      my diet this week is the higher carb profile. numbers basically stay the same but i change up some of what i eat when i feel like it.
      something like this yesterday:

      meal 1
      12 whole eggs
      2 plain bagels with 2 tbl spoons of natty pb crunchy on each side
      1 tblspn acv
      meal 2
      16oz chicken
      100g cream of wheat cinnabun flavor
      meal 3
      100g whey
      100g babyfood oats
      meal 4
      16oz top round
      100g red potato
      1 cup broc
      1 tblspn acv
      meal 5
      16oz top round
      100g sweat potato
      meal 6
      16oz shrimp
      100g brown rice
      1 cup broc
      1 tbl spn acv
      meal 7
      100g whey shake

    6. #36
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      friday was back/tri workout:
      it was a pretty good one but not my best.

      cable rope pullovers 60x30 80x25 100x20 110x20 120x20 140x15
      low pulley rows (v bar) 120x20 150x20 165x20 180x20 195x15 210x15
      v bar pulldowns 105x20 120x20 135x20 150x15
      hs rows (done without sitting on the seat and leaning forward. i also use an inside grip one set and outside the next) 90x20/2 115x20/2 135x15/2
      hypers 45x15/4

      rope pressdowns 70x30 90x35 100x40 110x20 120x15 90x20
      cg bench 135x20 (did added resistance negs for 10reps and 135 for the positives) 225x10-135x10+/4 these are absolutely brutal and the pump is just plain freaking nasty
      one arm overhead db extensions 15x30 25x20 35x15 40x12
      reverse grip cable pressdowns 80x25 90x25 100x20 120x15

      as you can tell with alot of these tricep workouts i am putting a ton of attention into movements that bring out the outer head of the tricep. this is not a weak area for me by any means but the bigger you can get that bad boy the bigger more full your tricep looks for each pose front or back

    7. #37
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      15min step mil
      leg xtensions 30x50 45x40 60x30 105x20(10 partials at bottom 120x20/10 part 150x20/10part 180x20/10 part 180x20/10 part'
      adductor ss 100x20ss 110x20ss 120x20ss 140x20ss 150x20 ss 160x20ss
      abductor ss 100x20 110x20 120x20 140x20 150x20 160x20
      leg press 200x50 400x40 600x30 800x20/2
      squats 225x15 275x15 315x12/2
      wall sits 1min/3
      standing calf raise 120x20 150x25/2 180x20/2 120x20
      toe press 100x20 120x20 140x20 140x20

      that was it for the day. pretty good workout overall. didnt get to winded either which is good means my cardio is getting better

    8. #38
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      ok question one yes i am and you caught me cause i forgot to put it in when i have been doing it. i have been doing an additional 20-30 minutes of low intensity cardio on chest day, shoulder day and both saturday and sunday. i had to stop doing the cardio with the wife cause she pushes me to go harder and faster which isnt good for bulking and i get my heart rate way to high when i chase her.
      question 2: the cycle change up comes next week but the base will still be omna of course haha
      question 3: yes i am still running the blues at 5iu along with the peps. the pep combo was brutal on my cts until i got it adjusted and i am slowly ramping it back up.
      question 4: no i do them standing. i am at about a little less than 45 deg angle in the stretch position and damn near vertical on the contraction. i do cross bench db pullovers for chest only. cant get the same feel in the lats on the bench.
      i will update my peps and cycle for my guinea pig as soon as he transitions over and be more specific with changes i make on a wkly basis

    9. #39
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      15min step mil warm up
      hammer strength incline 45x25 90x20 115x20 135x15 180x12 ds 180x10ds 135x10ds 90x10ds 45x10
      db flat press 50x20 60x20 80x20 100x15/2
      incline db flye 20x20 30x20 40x20 50x15
      machine press ds 180x10ds 150x10ds 120x10ds 105x10ds 90x10ds did these to add more pump into the chest to finish off
      hammer curls 20x20 30x20 40x15 50x15 60x12
      bb curls 60x20 80x20 100x20 120x15
      overhead cable curls 45x20 60x20 75x20 90x15
      rope cable curls 50x20 70x20 90x20

      finished off with 30 minutes on step mil at level 2 just chilling checking out the ladies

    10. #40
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's

      meal 1
      16oz top round
      2 cups grits
      1 tblspn acv
      meal 2
      16oz chicken
      2 cups oats
      meal 3
      100g whey
      2 toasted bagels with fat free cream cheese
      meal 4
      16oz top round
      300g sweet potato
      1 cup green beans
      1 tblspn acv
      meal 5
      16oz top round
      100g sweat potato
      meal 6
      16oz shrimp
      2 cups cream of rice
      1 cup broc
      1 tbl spn acv
      meal 7
      100g whey shake

      this is how i have eaten the last 2 days everyone. the only good thing about bulking is the great amount of variety i can use. bloating isnt an issue when it doesnt hinder you and it helps keep the joint pain down.

    11. #41
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's

      a little bit behind. here is the delt/traps from weds:

      15min step mil

      bb shrugs 135x50 185x30 225x20 275x20 315x20 135x25
      reverse pec dec rear 60x30 75x25 90x20 90x20 75x20 60x20
      machine lats 60x20 80x20 100x15 120x15
      db press 50x20 60x20 80x20 100x15
      db lats 10x30 15x25 20x20 25x20 30x20
      db shrugs 50x20 60x20 80x20 100x20

      done sir done

    12. #42
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      hams/calves yesterday:

      15min step mil warmup
      seated leg curls 60x40 80x30 105x25 120x20 150x20 180x15 210x15 120x20 (quick tip, when your legs are a little bigger than average you need a partner to help you get out of the machine or you get stuck with the pad locked down and look stupid) i spent five minutes explaining to an older lady about pushing the pad down so i could release the pad holding my legs down.
      hip machine kick backs 50x20 70x20 90x20 110x20
      db leg curls 20x20 25x20 30x15 35x15. you want to talk about some pain, these ****ers hurt way low on the hammies and are super brutal
      bb stiff leg deads 135x20/2 185x20 225x15
      walking db lunges 40/4 about 40 yards ish
      one leg standing leg curls 25x20 35x20 45x15 50x15

    13. #43
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's

      back and tri's today:

      15 min step mil

      machine pullovers 100x20 120x20 140x20 150x20 180x15
      wide grip chins x15 x12 x10 x10 x8
      rope cable rows 60x0 80x20 100x20 120x15 140x12
      db rows on incline bench 40x20 50x20 60x15 70x15 80x12
      bb rows overhand 135x25 225x20 275x15 315x12 315x10
      hypers x15/5
      vbar pressdowns 80x30 90x35 100x25 120x20 140x15
      reverse cable pressdowns one hand 20x25 30x20 40x20 50x15 60x12
      hs machine dips 90x20 180x20 215x20 225x15
      db skullies 30x20 40x20 50x15 60x12


    14. #44
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's

      yeah it is a semi slow but slowly ramping up. i am sitting in the upper 280s right now 286 dry and around 290-291 at night. staying pretty freaking lean too, i still have lines in my legs that pop and all 6 abs are visible. lower are faded a little bit but what can you do? i feel pretty damn good at this weight too this year and i am not huffing and puffing whenever i am out and about.

    15. #45
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      • Follow Along G's Run to the NA's
      just for a note to you guys that want to eat big to get big. even i and i can house food as you can see can not eat monster chicken breast at a 1lb at a time when bulking. i tried a little experiment weds-friday this week and it bout killed me off. i did 4 of my meals half beef (8oz) and half chicken (around 8oz, it was actually quite a bit more around 9-11oz). well let's just say i got it all down but i paid for it. it sits in your stomach like a brick. well thursday i said hey i will get 2 beef meals n and then do the rest chicken. nope no dice, just as brutal. so now it is only going to be a meal or 2 of chicken per day spread very far apart. now i am not saying you prob couldnt do it with say 6 or 8oz a few times a day but as the oz start moving up it is brutal.

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