
15min step mil warm up
hammer strength incline 45x25 90x20 115x20 135x15 180x12 ds 180x10ds 135x10ds 90x10ds 45x10
db flat press 50x20 60x20 80x20 100x15/2
incline db flye 20x20 30x20 40x20 50x15
machine press ds 180x10ds 150x10ds 120x10ds 105x10ds 90x10ds did these to add more pump into the chest to finish off
hammer curls 20x20 30x20 40x15 50x15 60x12
bb curls 60x20 80x20 100x20 120x15
overhead cable curls 45x20 60x20 75x20 90x15
rope cable curls 50x20 70x20 90x20

finished off with 30 minutes on step mil at level 2 just chilling checking out the ladies