
15min step mil
leg xtensions 30x50 45x40 60x30 105x20(10 partials at bottom 120x20/10 part 150x20/10part 180x20/10 part 180x20/10 part'
adductor ss 100x20ss 110x20ss 120x20ss 140x20ss 150x20 ss 160x20ss
abductor ss 100x20 110x20 120x20 140x20 150x20 160x20
leg press 200x50 400x40 600x30 800x20/2
squats 225x15 275x15 315x12/2
wall sits 1min/3
standing calf raise 120x20 150x25/2 180x20/2 120x20
toe press 100x20 120x20 140x20 140x20

that was it for the day. pretty good workout overall. didnt get to winded either which is good means my cardio is getting better