hams today:

15min step mil as always. i love to hate that damn thing
lying leg curls 50x30 60x25 80x20 100x20 dropsets 100x10ds 80x10ds 60x10ds 40x10/ i did this for 4 rounds
leg press feet high on platform 200x50 400x40 600x30 800x20 400x30
db walking lunges 35lb for about 40 yards for 4sets
seated leg curls 80x20 100x20 120x20 140x20
my version of glute ham raise 60x20 80x20 100x20 120x20
done for the day

i had the cable guys training with me today and while warming up one of them tore his hammie on the lying leg curls. these guys try to keep up with the reps but not always the weight. i try to tell them how important it is to get a good warm up and sweat going before actually doing you workout warm up. he said it popped three times when he contracted it. it didnt lock up or anything like that and he could still contract it with no issues but couldnt stretch it at all. so i am going with it is going to be black and blue by the end of the day and he has at the minimum a partial tear of something in there