
keep in mind i just came off a long trip high into the mountains and i am no longer a mountain man. so i get swollen joints jacked up sinuses and a bunch of other bs every time i go up that way. the workout today was on point but no pushing cause i didnt want to risk hurting anything:

15 min step mil
leg extension 30x50 45x40 60x30 120x25 135x20 150x20 180x15 last 4 sets are with a 2 sec pause at the top and a hard contraction
abbductors 100x20 120x20 140x20/2
adductors 100x20 120x20 140x20/2 these two exercises were supersets
squats 135x20 225x20 315x12/3
leg press 200x50 300x40 400x30 500x30 same as last week. half reps done wide stance and the other half narrow shoulder width stance
smith machine sissy squat hacks 90x15/3
toe press machine 150x30 180x30 210x25/2
had to be easy on the calves cause they were brutalized driving and walking the mtns. let's just say they are still cramping up something fierce haha