a quick guns' insider tip on eating. ok, regardless of what you have read heard or whatever, you have to eat big to get big. it doesnt matter what you take what combos or whatnot. it is the food that makes you grow. now here is my tip to get to where you can eat the volume that is needed:

start off each meal in a mid range say 6oz protein and 50-60g of carbs. do that for a wk. then the following wk move up 1oz of protein and 10-20g carb. if you get stuck then maintain it for another wk and go back at it again. now the excuse everyone has is i dont want the pot belly blah blah. sorry it is a part of the process but when you diet down it will go completely away. last show i did i went from a 38 on a full stomach to a 30 on a full stomach. i could have brought it down even more but i balanced out anyway so no worries.