
step mil 15 min warmup
leg extensions 30x50 45x40 60x30 75x30 90x20 105x20 120x20 150x20
leg press 200x50 400x40 600x30 700x20
these are a variation i do i start with wide stance toes pointed out for half the reps then go to close stance for the remainder of the reps. i dont put the weight down to change positions either
squats 135x20 225x20 315x15 315x15 315x15
smith machine hack sissy squats 90x15 90x15 90x15
these were unfreaking believably brutal. not for the faint at heart and crazy.
standing calf raises 4/100
toe press machine 120x20 150x20 180x20
hanging knee ups x15/4
leg raise machine 30x12/4

i focused mainly on lower abs today but the whole region is obviously worked with both movements. kick ass day that lasted about 110minutes total