today's training back/tris:

15min warmup on step mil

machine pullovers warmup 90x30 120x20 150x20 180x20 220x15
close grip pulldowns with narrow grip bar 105x20 120x20 150x20 180x15
these are tricky, i do a pause at the bottom for a 2 count pause at the mid for a 2 count back down then all the way back to full stretch. that is one rep.
one arm low pulley rows 30x20 50x20 80x20 100x15 100x15
one arm db rows 50x20 70x20 90x20 110x15 120x15
hypers 45x15/6 sets
no deads this week or chins it was squat week
got to eat now fill triceps in shortly