here is the ham/calf and ab day that took place with larry and lance the cable guys lmao:

warmups 15 mins on the step mil at level 3
seated leg curl machine: 60x25 90x25 120x25 15x25 180x15ds to 90x15
on these i do a 2 count at the bottom on at least 15 of the reps and then pump out the remaining 10-15reps.
reverse hacks pressing off the heals. this is a tricky one cause i made them do added weight negs because i actually had two partners. looked like this:
90lbsx10 180x10 270 for the neg and 180 for the positive x10 360-/270+x10 360-/270+ x10 final set of 270-/180+ x15. they had to lower weight from cramping so i did more reps.
leg press heels high on platform narrow stance supersetted with single leg seated leg curls:
leg press 200x25ss 400x25ss 600x30ss
one leg seat leg curl 25x15 45x15 55x15 single followed by 15 more with both legs.
they quit the workout.
standing calf raise 120x20 150x25 180x30 220x35 250x50
toe press knees locked 100x50 120x40 150x30 185x25
hanging knee ups x12/4
cable crunches 50x20 70x20 90x15

that was it. workout took 80 minutes total counting the 15 minutes on step mil