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    Thread: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's

    1. #5071
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's

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      • Follow Along G's Run to the NA's
      • Follow Along G's Run to the NA's
      • Follow Along G's Run to the NA's
      • Follow Along G's Run to the NA's
      • Follow Along G's Run to the NA's
      • Follow Along G's Run to the NA's


      40min stepmill lss (fasted)

      machine press 80x15 100x15 120x12 140x12 160x12 180x10 ds200x10ds 160x8ds 120x8
      hs incline press 45x8 70x8 90x8 115x8 135x7 70x15
      cable cross fly press 40x10/2
      standing chest press 90x8 135x8 180x6
      bent over cross rear lat ss 20x2153ss
      standing cross side lat ss 20x15/3
      machine crunches 30x25/4
      35 min stepmill lss (post)

      done for the day. a little bit of ass dragging today but not to bad, just a little bit fatigued. strength was surprisingly really good. i did start the machine presses off with a pronated grip and had to switch to neutral because it was pulling the hell out of my outer pec. i get a better contraction for some reason with a neutral grip on that particular machine. even dragging a little we kept a pretty goo pace going and got a nice pump as well. joints and digestion are running really smooth right now, which is really good. all in all a good session.

      meal 1
      2 whole eggs
      1/2 cup egg whites
      4oz sirloin
      150g jasmine rice
      2 cups spinach
      meal 2
      8oz turkey
      150g jasmine rice
      1 cup green vege
      meal 3(pre)
      2 scoops whey iso
      60g cor
      1tbl spn pb
      1 scoop recovery factor x
      10g creatine
      10g eaa
      meal 4(post workout)
      2 scoops whey iso
      100g jasmine rice
      meal 5
      2 cups egg whites
      150g jasmine rice
      meal 6
      6oz turkey
      150g jasmine rice
      meal 7
      8oz sirloin
      8oz red potatoes
      onions and mushrooms
      lrg green salad w/vinegarette
      TGBSupplements REP


      Use code 'Baby1' for $5 off your order

    2. #5072
      guns01's Avatar
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's



      40min stepmill lss (fasted)

      seated leg curls 75x15 90x15 105x14 120x12 135x12 150x12 165x12
      belt squat stiff leg dead 50x12 100x12 150x12/2
      adductors 140x20 160x20 180x20 190x20/2
      leg extensions 85x15 100x15 115x12 130x12 145x12 160x12 175x12 190x12
      one leg leg press 45x12 90x12 135x12 180x12 225x12
      leg press 270x12 360x12 450x12 540x12 630x12
      pendilum squats 90x8 180x8 270x8/2
      35 min stepmill lss (post)

      done for the day. not to bad of a day going in. cardio was a bit of a kick in the nuts both am and post workout which is pretty normal haha. pretty good strength today and went with straight sets since cardio was so rough i didnt see any need for any additional intensity technique use for today. we did move pretty quick in between sets which amplified it up pretty good for that kind of intensity. other than glutes being a little tight and sore from the stepper everything ran pretty damn smoothly. i did pass out for over an hour post workout i was so tired. so i would say all in all a good session in the books.

      meal 1
      2 whole eggs
      1/2 cup egg whites
      4oz sirloin
      150g jasmine rice
      2 cups spinach
      meal 2
      8oz turkey
      150g jasmine rice
      1 cup green vege
      meal 3(pre)
      2 scoops whey iso
      60g cor
      1tbl spn pb
      1 scoop recovery factor x
      10g creatine
      10g eaa
      meal 4(post workout)
      2 scoops whey iso
      100g jasmine rice
      meal 5
      2 cups egg whites
      150g jasmine rice
      meal 6
      6oz turkey
      150g jasmine rice
      meal 7
      8oz sirloin
      8oz red potatoes
      onions and mushrooms
      lrg green salad w/vinegarette

      supp additions this week

      test p 75mg ed
      tren a 50mg ed
      mast p 100mg ed
      t3 50mcg ed
      np thyroid 30mg ed
      clen 100mcg ed
      winny 50mg ed
      12.5 mk-501516

      will also be adding in some glutithome at 1-200mg eod when it comes in. see if i can keep inflammation down even more and protect the liver a little bit better.
      TGBSupplements REP


      Use code 'Baby1' for $5 off your order

    3. #5073
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's



      40 min stepmill lss (fasted)

      elevated ind handle low rows 27.5x15 35x15 42.5x10 50x10 60x10 70x10 80x10 90x10 50x10(5sec contract)
      prone shrugs 45x15 90x15 135x15/3
      db rows 50x10 60x10 100x8/3 ds100x8ds 80x8ds 60x8
      upper lat cable pullovers 41.5x10 50x10 57.5x10 65x10 72.5x10
      machine crunches x25/4
      35 min stepmill lss (post)

      done for the day. the mrs had the day off today so she did the entire training day with me. actually her and my son both did haha. so it was a good pace and tempo. strength was actually surprisingly really good today and got a really nasty pump going. not wanting to screw myself but cardio was actually a little easier on me today for some reason when weds and thursday kicked my ass. could have been the half day off. all in all other than being a little tired and hungry not a bad week in the books. going to try to get a cyrotherapy session in sometime next week to see if that can add to my recovery ability.

      meal 1
      2 whole eggs
      1/2 cup egg whites
      4oz sirloin
      150g jasmine rice
      2 cups spinach
      meal 2
      8oz turkey
      150g jasmine rice
      1 cup green vege
      meal 3(pre)
      2 scoops whey iso
      60g cor
      1tbl spn pb
      1 scoop recovery factor x
      10g creatine
      10g eaa
      meal 4(post workout)
      2 scoops whey iso
      100g jasmine rice
      meal 5
      2 cups egg whites
      150g jasmine rice
      meal 6
      6oz turkey
      150g jasmine rice
      meal 7
      8oz sirloin
      8oz red potatoes
      onions and mushrooms
      lrg green salad w/vinegarette
      TGBSupplements REP


      Use code 'Baby1' for $5 off your order

    4. #5074
      guns01's Avatar
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's



      40min stepmill lss (fasted)

      one arm ng machine rows 80x15 100x15 120x12 140x12 160x12 180x12 200x12 220x12ds 160x12
      one arm incline cable rows 45x12 50x12 55x12 60x12 65x12 70x12
      rack pulls 135x15 185x15 225x15 275x15
      hs dante stretch pull downs 45x10 90x10/2
      hypers x25 x15 x10
      machine crunches 30x30/4
      35min stepmill lss (post)

      done for the day. not to bad of a day at all today. every thing ran really smooth strength was on par and pump was good. joints are still holding up really well and actually lower back isnt smoke checked to bad either. i am hitting the i get a little dizzy here and there phase of depletion now. so bf and glycogen is running super low. i am sneaking in a nap or two every day now as well because after both session i am exhausted. all in all a good start to the week. i also started up tanning and mt2 today also.

      meal 1
      2 whole eggs
      1/2 cup egg whites
      4oz sirloin
      150g jasmine rice
      2 cups spinach
      meal 2
      8oz turkey
      150g jasmine rice
      1 cup green vege
      meal 3(pre)
      2 scoops whey iso
      60g cor
      1tbl spn pb
      1 scoop recovery factor x
      10g creatine
      10g eaa
      meal 4(post workout)
      2 scoops whey iso
      100g jasmine rice
      meal 5
      2 cups egg whites
      150g jasmine rice
      meal 6
      6oz turkey
      150g jasmine rice
      meal 7
      8oz sirloin
      8oz red potatoes
      onions and mushrooms
      lrg green salad w/vinegarette
      TGBSupplements REP


      Use code 'Baby1' for $5 off your order

    5. #5075
      guns01's Avatar
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's



      40min stepmill lss (fasted)

      hs bench 45x15 70x15 90x8 115x8 135x8/2 ds135x8ds 90x8ds 45x8
      hs incline press 45x12 70x12 90x12 115x8 135x6ds 70x15
      ng machine press cs 140x8 cs150x8cs x6cs x5cs x4
      lying machine flys 25x15 25x10
      bent over cable rear lats ss 15x20/3ss
      standing cable cross side lats ss ss15x20
      incline situps x15/4
      35min stepmill lss (post)

      done for the day. well the first set felt like absolute garbage across the board and i was also dragging ass going in. so when i did the first one i was like well hell here we go and then bam second set was better and then it continued to get better. actually was really surprised at strength also which i knew would most likely be down. some reading this may be kind of wondering why i have pretty much switched to all machines as i get closer. i have done so strategically to protect against getting hurt by moving around dbs and bbs but i will sprinkle in some bb work here and there. chest and shoulders i think is the most dangerous and kicking up heavy db while depleted and over 40 is really risky for me. not to mention losing reps by doing so. all in all i got a great pump and a pretty solid session in. i did get in another good nap post workout after my post meal which i have pretty much been doing every day. will be dropping some carbs out and adding a little touch of more cardio in tomorrow. let the suffering begin.

      meal 1
      2 whole eggs
      1/2 cup egg whites
      4oz sirloin
      150g jasmine rice
      2 cups spinach
      meal 2
      8oz turkey
      150g jasmine rice
      1 cup green vege
      meal 3(pre)
      2 scoops whey iso
      60g cor
      1tbl spn pb
      1 scoop recovery factor x
      10g creatine
      10g eaa
      meal 4(post workout)
      2 scoops whey iso
      100g jasmine rice
      meal 5
      2 cups egg whites
      150g jasmine rice
      meal 6
      6oz turkey
      meal 7
      8oz sirloin
      8oz red potatoes
      onions and mushrooms
      lrg green salad w/vinegarette

      current supps as of this week
      75mg test p ed
      100mg mast p ed
      50mg tren a ed
      12.5mg aroma eod
      50 win ed
      50 provi ed
      100mcg clen ed
      10mg yohimbine ed
      50mcg t3
      30mg np thyroid
      TGBSupplements REP


      Use code 'Baby1' for $5 off your order

    6. #5076
      guns01's Avatar
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's



      40min stepmill lss (fasted)

      hs bench 45x15 70x15 90x8 115x8 135x8/2 ds135x8ds 90x8ds 45x8
      hs incline press 45x12 70x12 90x12 115x8 135x6ds 70x15
      ng machine press cs 140x8 cs150x8cs x6cs x5cs x4
      lying machine flys 25x15 25x10
      bent over cable rear lats ss 15x20/3ss
      standing cable cross side lats ss ss15x20
      incline situps x15/4
      35min stepmill lss (post)

      done for the day. well the first set felt like absolute garbage across the board and i was also dragging ass going in. so when i did the first one i was like well hell here we go and then bam second set was better and then it continued to get better. actually was really surprised at strength also which i knew would most likely be down. some reading this may be kind of wondering why i have pretty much switched to all machines as i get closer. i have done so strategically to protect against getting hurt by moving around dbs and bbs but i will sprinkle in some bb work here and there. chest and shoulders i think is the most dangerous and kicking up heavy db while depleted and over 40 is really risky for me. not to mention losing reps by doing so. all in all i got a great pump and a pretty solid session in. i did get in another good nap post workout after my post meal which i have pretty much been doing every day. will be dropping some carbs out and adding a little touch of more cardio in tomorrow. let the suffering begin.

      meal 1
      2 whole eggs
      1/2 cup egg whites
      4oz sirloin
      150g jasmine rice
      2 cups spinach
      meal 2
      8oz turkey
      150g jasmine rice
      1 cup green vege
      meal 3(pre)
      2 scoops whey iso
      60g cor
      1tbl spn pb
      1 scoop recovery factor x
      10g creatine
      10g eaa
      meal 4(post workout)
      2 scoops whey iso
      100g jasmine rice
      meal 5
      2 cups egg whites
      150g jasmine rice
      meal 6
      6oz turkey
      meal 7
      8oz sirloin
      8oz red potatoes
      onions and mushrooms
      lrg green salad w/vinegarette

      current supps as of this week
      75mg test p ed
      100mg mast p ed
      50mg tren a ed
      12.5mg aroma eod
      50 win ed
      50 provi ed
      100mcg clen ed
      10mg yohimbine ed
      50mcg t3
      30mg np thyroid
      TGBSupplements REP


      Use code 'Baby1' for $5 off your order

    7. #5077
      guns01's Avatar
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's



      40min stepmill lss (fasted)

      seated leg curls 75x20 90x20 105x15 120x15 135x15 150x15
      abductors 70x20 80x20 90x15 100x15 110x15 120x15
      adductors 140x20 160x20 180x20 190x20/3
      leg extensions 85x20 100x20 115x15 130x15 145x15 160x15
      belt squats 90x10 180x10 270x10/2
      one leg leg press 45x10 90x10 135x10 180x10 225x10
      40min stepmill lss (post)

      done for the day. really really tough day today. i am pretty sure the week finally caught up to me fatigue wise. no drive and feeling pretty damn rough. pushed through though and got some pretty good work in, strength was more of a meh today than anything to write home about but still got a pretty damn good pump going. not to bad of a pace going either but def way down from what yesterday was. once i got going yesterday it was a great session, today not a great session feeling wise from start to finish. i have labs due tomorrow and a therapy session as well so i will be running around like a mad man. i was going to drop it as an off day and train straight through the week but it doesnt look like that will happen with the time line. then top it off i have a doc appt for a thining cornea on friday. so this week has been a huge pain in my ass on top of being beat all to hell.

      meal 1
      2 whole eggs
      1/2 cup egg whites
      4oz sirloin
      150g jasmine rice
      2 cups spinach
      meal 2
      8oz turkey
      150g jasmine rice
      1 cup green vege
      meal 3(pre)
      2 scoops whey iso
      60g cor
      1tbl spn pb
      1 scoop recovery factor x
      10g creatine
      10g eaa
      meal 4(post workout)
      2 scoops whey iso
      100g jasmine rice
      meal 5
      2 cups egg whites
      150g jasmine rice
      meal 6
      6oz turkey
      meal 7
      8oz sirloin
      8oz red potatoes
      onions and mushrooms
      lrg green salad w/vinegarette
      TGBSupplements REP


      Use code 'Baby1' for $5 off your order

    8. #5078
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's



      40min stepmill lss (fasted)

      seated leg curls 75x20 90x20 105x15 120x15 135x15 150x15
      abductors 70x20 80x20 90x15 100x15 110x15 120x15
      adductors 140x20 160x20 180x20 190x20/3
      leg extensions 85x20 100x20 115x15 130x15 145x15 160x15
      belt squats 90x10 180x10 270x10/2
      one leg leg press 45x10 90x10 135x10 180x10 225x10
      40min stepmill lss (post)

      done for the day. really really tough day today. i am pretty sure the week finally caught up to me fatigue wise. no drive and feeling pretty damn rough. pushed through though and got some pretty good work in, strength was more of a meh today than anything to write home about but still got a pretty damn good pump going. not to bad of a pace going either but def way down from what yesterday was. once i got going yesterday it was a great session, today not a great session feeling wise from start to finish. i have labs due tomorrow and a therapy session as well so i will be running around like a mad man. i was going to drop it as an off day and train straight through the week but it doesnt look like that will happen with the time line. then top it off i have a doc appt for a thining cornea on friday. so this week has been a huge pain in my ass on top of being beat all to hell.

      meal 1
      2 whole eggs
      1/2 cup egg whites
      4oz sirloin
      150g jasmine rice
      2 cups spinach
      meal 2
      8oz turkey
      150g jasmine rice
      1 cup green vege
      meal 3(pre)
      2 scoops whey iso
      60g cor
      1tbl spn pb
      1 scoop recovery factor x
      10g creatine
      10g eaa
      meal 4(post workout)
      2 scoops whey iso
      100g jasmine rice
      meal 5
      2 cups egg whites
      150g jasmine rice
      meal 6
      6oz turkey
      meal 7
      8oz sirloin
      8oz red potatoes
      onions and mushrooms
      lrg green salad w/vinegarette
      TGBSupplements REP


      Use code 'Baby1' for $5 off your order

    9. #5079
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's



      40min stepmill lss (fasted)

      one arm sup pulldowns 35x15 42.5x15 50x10 60x10 70x10 80x10 42.5x10(5sec contract)
      chins x10 x9 x8
      machine pullovers 120x10 135x10/2
      pro grip chest supp machine rows 135x10 150x10 165x10 180x10
      machine crunches x20/4
      40 min stepmill lss (post)

      done for the day. sched quite a bit off today since i had another eye doc appt but not quite as jacked up as yesterday. i had intended on training straight through the week for 5 days this week since i have a cryotheraphy appt tomorrow but that didnt pan out. i had labs yesterday and had to run my kid all over hell and creation. so i only got one cardio session in yesterday due to my timeline being all dicked up. since my cornea is thinning in 3 spots and only 2 are healing i have another appt on tues.
      anyway today was off but not bad since my son didnt have practice or anything this am and mrs was off till the afternoon so i was able to shift to the right a little bit. i was a little beat up yesterday but felt quite a bit better today after a short day yesterday. everything ran pretty smooth today and after getting some graston work done yesterday i felt quite a bit better. strength was still pretty good and pump was better than usual. i am still fatigued pretty good and cardio is a kick in the nuts. i am anxious to see how i do this weekend with the cryo and how much it helps. joints are actually the only thing that isnt beat to hell right now.

      meal 1
      2 whole eggs
      1/2 cup egg whites
      4oz sirloin
      150g jasmine rice
      2 cups spinach
      meal 2
      8oz turkey
      150g jasmine rice
      1 cup green vege
      meal 3(pre)
      2 scoops whey iso
      60g cor
      1tbl spn pb
      1 scoop recovery factor x
      10g creatine
      10g eaa
      meal 4(post workout)
      2 scoops whey iso
      100g jasmine rice
      meal 5
      2 cups egg whites
      150g jasmine rice
      meal 6
      6oz turkey
      meal 7
      8oz sirloin
      8oz red potatoes
      onions and mushrooms
      lrg green salad w/vinegarette
      TGBSupplements REP


      Use code 'Baby1' for $5 off your order

    10. #5080
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's



      40min stepmill lss (fasted)

      one arm machine rows 100x15 `120x15 140x12 160x12 180x12 200x12 220x12 ds240x12ds 200x12
      one arm incline cable rows 35x12 40x12 45x12 50x12 60x12 70x12 80x12
      rack pulls 135x15 185x15 225x15 (long wait and cooled down)
      upper lat cable pullovers 42.5x10 50x10 57.5x10 65x10 72.5x10
      hypers x30 x15 x10 x10
      machine crunches 30x30/4

      done for the day. did a little carb plus up and dropped one session of cardio today and tomorrow. weight has stalled out a little bit but i am still getting leaner. just tossed in an additional 200g of carbs for the day. pretty ran down and legs are super tired but strength and pump were good today. i did have to wait quite a while to do my rack pulls today aince every single rack in the gym was being used. so that sucked the wind out of the sails and i wasnt about to push it and risk hurting my back. still a pretty good session but i am hitting the point of pain and grinding. going to hit the cryo tank again at the end of the week and probably will do some lumalight therapy as well.

      meal 1
      2 whole eggs
      1/2 cup egg whites
      4oz sirloin
      150g jasmine rice
      2 cups spinach
      meal 2
      8oz turkey
      150g jasmine rice
      1 cup green vege
      meal 3(pre)
      2 scoops whey iso
      60g cor
      1tbl spn pb
      1 scoop recovery factor x
      10g creatine
      10g eaa
      meal 4(post workout)
      2 scoops whey iso
      100g jasmine rice
      meal 5
      2 cups egg whites
      150g jasmine rice
      meal 6
      6oz turkey
      meal 7
      8oz sirloin
      8oz red potatoes
      onions and mushrooms
      lrg green salad w/vinegarette
      TGBSupplements REP


      Use code 'Baby1' for $5 off your order

    11. #5081
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's



      40mins stepmill lss (fasted)

      hs bench press 45x15 70x15 90x10 115x10/3 ds115x10ds 70x10ds 45x10
      hs incline press 45x10 70x10 90x10 115x5 70x15
      low cable fly 35x10 40x10 ds45x10ds 35x10ds 25x10
      machine flys 105x10/2
      reverse peck deck fly 60x30/3
      machine lats 20x12 30x12 40x12
      ng machine shoulder press 100x10/4
      incline crunches x15/4

      done for the day. another plus up day of 200g of carbs and only one cardio session again today. getting ready to make a big push for the next probably 8-10 days give or take and i should be ready a week or so early. the 2 sessions off of cardio and added carbs really didnt help to much at all. it sucks when i slow down and add stuff in it makes me more hungry and tired. my body hurts but it seems like when it gets into a groove even with the pain and being worn down, when it gets pulled back it makes it worse.
      strength today wasnt to bad and got a really good pump going. joints actually didnt even hurt warming up at all. was moving pretty slow which is aggervating but i am trying to balance moving a good weight while being safe at the same time as well as keeping intensity high. did get a tad bit of lower back pain going on but i am pretty sure it was more of a pump because after abs it went away. all in all a pretty good session.

      meal 1
      2 whole eggs
      1/2 cup egg whites
      4oz sirloin
      150g jasmine rice
      2 cups spinach
      meal 2
      8oz turkey
      150g jasmine rice
      1 cup green vege
      meal 3(pre)
      2 scoops whey iso
      60g cor
      1tbl spn pb
      1 scoop recovery factor x
      10g creatine
      10g eaa
      meal 4(post workout)
      2 scoops whey iso
      100g jasmine rice
      meal 5
      2 cups egg whites
      150g jasmine rice
      meal 6
      6oz turkey
      meal 7
      8oz sirloin
      8oz red potatoes
      onions and mushrooms
      lrg green salad w/vinegarette
      TGBSupplements REP


      Use code 'Baby1' for $5 off your order

    12. #5082
      guns01's Avatar
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's



      40min stepmill lss (fasted)

      seated leg curls ss 75x20ss 90x20ss 105x15ss 120x15ss 135x15ss 150x15/2ss
      adductors ss ss140x20 ss160x20 ss180x15 ss190x15 215x15 ss225x15 235x15
      leg extensions ss 85x20ss 100x20ss 115x15ss 130x15ss 145x15ss 160x15ss
      machine leg press ss150x15 ss170x15 ss190x15 ss210x15 230x15 ss250x15
      pendilum squats 90x8 180x8 270x8 360x8
      one leg leg press 45x10 90x10 135x10 180x10
      40 min stepmill lss (post)

      done for the day. feeling the drag again today haha. did crank up the intensity just a tiny bit adding in some super set work. got a brutal pump kicking right out of the gate too. actually was able to keep a pretty good pace going today even dragging and moved some ok weight around. lower back pump came on a little but not hindering but i also shut down the squats when it started up just to be safe. the cardios of the day were the biggest kick in the nuts. body fat is so low now that feet are starting to hurt pretty bad along with ankles. that's how i can tell i am within striking distance when it gets to that point of pain. i have also been using calf sleeves to keep my calves good with all the cardio prep. they are no where near as busted up as they usually get, so i am a believer in them now. buddy who runs 10 miles a day gave me the suggestion. he said not to do the socks because they make your feet hurt but the calf only sleeves are money. he was correct. all in all a good session in today.

      meal 1
      2 whole eggs
      1/2 cup egg whites
      4oz sirloin
      150g jasmine rice
      2 cups spinach
      meal 2
      8oz turkey
      150g jasmine rice
      1 cup green vege
      meal 3(pre)
      2 scoops whey iso
      60g cor
      1tbl spn pb
      1 scoop recovery factor x
      10g creatine
      10g eaa
      meal 4(post workout)
      2 scoops whey iso
      100g jasmine rice
      meal 5
      2 cups egg whites
      150g jasmine rice
      meal 6
      6oz turkey
      meal 7
      8oz sirloin
      8oz red potatoes
      onions and mushrooms
      lrg green salad w/vinegarette
      TGBSupplements REP


      Use code 'Baby1' for $5 off your order

    13. #5083
      guns01's Avatar
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's



      35min stepmill lss (fasted)
      15min incline treadmill (fasted)

      oa sup pulldowns 27.5x15 35x15 42.5x10 50x10 60x10 70x10 42.5x10(5sec contract)
      chins x10 x9 x9
      machine pullovers 120x10/4
      pg chest supp machine rows 135x10 150x10 165x10 180x10
      crunches x30/4
      45min stepmill lss (post)

      done for the day. end of the week grind and feeling every bit of it, hit 35 on the stairs this am and was dying so i decided to try to break it up and get on the tread. heart rate dropped down to damn near 100 and it was beating the shit out of my shins. so that wont happen again. not hard enough and way more wear and tear. as noted pushing hard into the home stretch now with a little more cardio. got a pretty good pace going with secondary back in today and got a really good pump. i passed out as soon as i had my post workout meal for about an hour. going to hit the cryo chamber up today so hopefully i will get another little start of the week boost.

      meal 1
      2 whole eggs
      1/2 cup egg whites
      4oz sirloin
      150g jasmine rice
      2 cups spinach
      meal 2
      8oz turkey
      150g jasmine rice
      1 cup green vege
      meal 3(pre)
      2 scoops whey iso
      60g cor
      1tbl spn pb
      1 scoop recovery factor x
      10g creatine
      10g eaa
      meal 4(post workout)
      2 scoops whey iso
      100g jasmine rice
      meal 5
      2 cups egg whites
      150g jasmine rice
      meal 6
      6oz turkey
      meal 7
      8oz sirloin
      8oz red potatoes
      onions and mushrooms
      lrg green salad w/vinegarette
      TGBSupplements REP


      Use code 'Baby1' for $5 off your order

    14. #5084
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's



      45min stepmill lss (fasted)

      oa ng machine rows 100x15 120x15 140x10 160x10 180x10 200x10
      ind handle pg low rows 27x5x10 35x10 42.5x10 50x10 60x10 70x10
      chest support machine row pg 150x10 165x10 180x10 195x10
      upper lat cable pullovers 42.5x10 50x10 57.5x10 65x10 72.5x10 57.5x10
      hypers 45x10ds x10/4
      machine crunches 30x30/4
      45min stepmill lss (post)

      done for the day. feeling the grind pretty good today. recovered over the weekend but by the end of this one it was all toast. strength is pretty much meh but pump was still good. joints actually didnt feel to bad at all today but getting going and staying going was a tad bit rough. feeling it the most in the legs feet and ankles right now. down the home stretch is going to be super rough. the plus side is i am already knocking on the door of being in perfect shape. someone that takes a look at me a couple times a week says i am only about 5-6 days from being ready. so hopefully i can cruise in and not be so ran down. did pull out some more carbs also

      meal 1
      2 whole eggs
      1/2 cup egg whites
      4oz sirloin
      150g jasmine rice
      2 cups spinach
      meal 2
      8oz turkey
      100g jasmine rice
      1 cup green vege
      meal 3(pre)
      2 scoops whey iso
      30g cor
      1tbl spn pb
      1 scoop recovery factor x
      10g creatine
      10g eaa
      meal 4(post workout)
      2 scoops whey iso
      100g jasmine rice
      meal 5
      2 cups egg whites
      100g jasmine rice
      meal 6
      6oz turkey
      meal 7
      8oz sirloin
      8oz red potatoes
      onions and mushrooms
      lrg green salad w/vinegarette
      TGBSupplements REP


      Use code 'Baby1' for $5 off your order

    15. #5085
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's

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      • Follow Along G's Run to the NA's

      • Follow Along G's Run to the NA's
      • Follow Along G's Run to the NA's
      • Follow Along G's Run to the NA's
      • Follow Along G's Run to the NA's
      • Follow Along G's Run to the NA's
      • Follow Along G's Run to the NA's


      45min stepmill lss (fasted)

      ng machine press 80x15 100x15 110x10 120x10 130x10 140x10
      hs incline press 45x10 70x10 90x10/3
      hs decline press 45x10 70x10 90x10/3
      machine flys 90x10 105x10 120x10 135x10
      reverse peck deck fly 30x15 45x15 60x15 75x15 90x15 105x15
      machine flys 20x15 25x15 30x15 35x15
      30min stepmill lss (post)
      20min incline treadmill (post)

      done for the day. very rough day in today. super bad achy feeling bad. pulled back on volume and weight as well. everything feels tired and really tight. so now i am going to be going into push blood in with safe weights and squeezing the piss out of the muscles. i was hurting so bad today at the end that i had to split cardio up and most likely at least till i get fully recovered i will probably have to do that even more. i am exhausted and it is hard to put into words when you hit this wall. made it further this year than i did last and i am actually in shape early. so hopefully at least for the last few days i can pull back and go in really well rested and fresh. we will see in the next 16 days or so.

      meal 1
      2 whole eggs
      1/2 cup egg whites
      4oz sirloin
      150g jasmine rice
      2 cups spinach
      meal 2
      8oz turkey
      100g jasmine rice
      1 cup green vege
      meal 3(pre)
      2 scoops whey iso
      30g cor
      1tbl spn pb
      1 scoop recovery factor x
      10g creatine
      10g eaa
      meal 4(post workout)
      2 scoops whey iso
      100g jasmine rice
      meal 5
      2 cups egg whites
      100g jasmine rice
      meal 6
      6oz turkey
      meal 7
      8oz sirloin
      8oz red potatoes
      onions and mushrooms
      lrg green salad w/vinegarette
      TGBSupplements REP


      Use code 'Baby1' for $5 off your order

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