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    Thread: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's

    1. #3646
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      • Follow Along G's Run to the NA's
      • Follow Along G's Run to the NA's
      • Follow Along G's Run to the NA's


      standing cable crunches 70x10/4
      stationary bike warmup
      roller and lacross ball work
      dbl leg glute bridge w/iso x10(10s)/4
      hip mobility work
      lying leg curls 70x10 80x10 90x10 100x12 110x12 120x10 100x10fn(ds) 100x10(1sec contraction)ds 80x10x10p(10s)
      adductor 190x10/4
      leg press 180x20 360x15 540x12 720x10
      belt squat 45x12/4
      leg extensions 90x12 105x12 120x12 135x12ds 120x12ds 105x12

      done for the day. back to work with the nasty. i am still a little sore and beat up from graston and pt session over the weekend and it is cold and rainy. so to say i am not even remotely close to 100% would be an understatement. sore and bruised with tender joints would be more like it haha. still got some really good work in though and moved some ok weight around. i have changed the pad location on my hamstring work so i will have to build strength back up on that one. got a little bit of food back into the lineup as well.

      meal 1
      5 whole eggs w/light cheese
      2 slices ez toast
      1 cup spinach
      1 tbl spn natty pb
      1 tspn coconut oil
      meal 2
      8oz turkey
      1 cup jasmine rice w/cinnamon and splenda
      1/2 cup black beans
      1/2 avacado
      1 cup green beans
      meal 3
      2 scoops whey iso
      1/4 cup cor
      1tbl spn pb
      1 scoop recovery factor x
      2 scoop hbccd
      10g creatine
      10g eaa
      meal 4
      8oz sirloin
      8oz purple potato
      1 heaping tbl spn natural honey
      1 cup broccoli
      meal 5
      6oz chicken
      1 cup jasmine rice w/cinnamon
      1/2 cup black benas
      1/2 avacado
      1 cup green beans
      meal 6
      6oz turkey
      12oz red potato
      1 cup broccoli
      1/4 cup sour kraut
      meal 7
      2 scoop whey iso
      1 tbl spn pb
      TGBSupplements REP


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    2. #3647
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's

      Deload is done and now back to regular work?
      Can you tell a big difference afterwards, as far as your body goes? What about mentally, is there a noticeable change? Just curious brother, I’m completely intrigued.

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    3. #3648
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's

      Quote Originally Posted by Pushtoday View Post
      Deload is done and now back to regular work?
      Can you tell a big difference afterwards, as far as your body goes? What about mentally, is there a noticeable change? Just curious brother, I’m completely intrigued.

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      yep back to the normal grind haha.

      as far as the difference after i hate the first week. i get sore as hell after the 2 week break but always come back much stronger and feel better. i usually get more improvements in pump and strength afterwards as well. the only down side is like i said the soreness from only training 3 times per week at about 50 or 60% is a pain. i def can tell a difference in energy coming back as well. if you take pre workouts and other stims you are supposed to cut them out entirely during this time frame as well. gives everything in your body a nice little break
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    4. #3649
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's



      seated calf raise 50x12 75x12 100x12 125x12
      hand bike warmup
      incline db press 25x20 40x15 55x12 70x10 85x8
      incline bb press 155x6 185x6 205x6 225x6 255x6 275x6
      machine press 120x12 140x12 160x12 ds180x10 170x10ds 150x8
      incline db pro fly 30x8/3
      bent db lat swings 50x20/4
      cable lat muscle rounds 25x4/6 (back to back nonstop)
      35 min incline treadmill

      done for the day. pretty good day in today with no bad issues at all. i did cut the db work a little short as well as the bb presses since i had the pt work done over the weekend. cool thing is even though it was already sore it didnt tighten up all crazy and feel like it was about to tear. 275 moved really fast so in my mind i know i could have went up over 315 easy. same thing with the db work. all in all a really good day in the books. also noting that my hams and sweeps are pretty freaking sore also haha.

      meal 1
      5 whole eggs w/light cheese
      2 slices ez toast
      1 cup spinach
      1 tbl spn natty pb
      1 tspn coconut oil
      meal 2
      8oz turkey
      1 cup jasmine rice w/cinnamon and splenda
      1/2 cup black beans
      1/2 avacado
      1 cup green beans
      meal 3
      2 scoops whey iso
      1/4 cup cor
      1tbl spn pb
      1 scoop recovery factor x
      2 scoop hbccd
      10g creatine
      10g eaa
      meal 4
      8oz sirloin
      8oz purple potato
      1 heaping tbl spn natural honey
      1 cup broccoli
      meal 5
      6oz chicken
      1 cup jasmine rice w/cinnamon
      1/2 cup black benas
      1/2 avacado
      1 cup green beans
      meal 6
      6oz turkey
      12oz red potato
      1 cup broccoli
      1/4 cup sour kraut
      meal 7
      2 scoop whey iso
      1 tbl spn pb
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    5. #3650
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's



      hand bike warmup
      activation exercise 2 rounds
      med grip low rows 100x8 120x8 140x8 160x10 180x10 200x10
      banded hs iso row pro grip (ob) x4 45x8 70x8 90x8 115x8
      deads ss 135x3 225x3 315x3 315x5/4ss
      banded face pulls ss ss x10/4
      swiss bar pulldowns medium grip 120x10 140x10/2
      20 min elliptical intervals
      15 min incline tread mill

      done for the day. nasty nasty session yesterday. moved some pretty good weight again today even though the chest/delts are pretty tender. lower back and hip did get a little irritated but more so stiff and achy as opposed to be tight and locked up. other than that legs are still trashed haha all is good.

      meal 1
      5 whole eggs w/light cheese
      2 slices ez toast
      1 cup spinach
      1 tbl spn natty pb
      1 tspn coconut oil
      meal 2
      8oz turkey
      1 cup jasmine rice w/cinnamon and splenda
      1/2 cup black beans
      1/2 avacado
      1 cup green beans
      meal 3
      2 scoops whey iso
      1/4 cup cor
      1tbl spn pb
      1 scoop recovery factor x
      2 scoop hbccd
      10g creatine
      10g eaa
      meal 4
      8oz sirloin
      8oz purple potato
      1 heaping tbl spn natural honey
      1 cup broccoli
      meal 5
      6oz chicken
      1 cup jasmine rice w/cinnamon
      1/2 cup black benas
      1/2 avacado
      1 cup green beans
      meal 6
      6oz turkey
      12oz red potato
      1 cup broccoli
      1/4 cup sour kraut
      meal 7
      2 scoop whey iso
      1 tbl spn pb
      TGBSupplements REP


      Use code 'Baby1' for $5 off your order

    6. #3651
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's



      machine crunches 80x10/4
      stationary bike warmup
      banded hs seated leg curls (ob) x10 25x10 35x10 50x10 35x10/2
      frog squats on hack x8 50x8 90x8 140x8 180x8
      lying db leg curls 35x10/4
      hypers w/glute ham focus x15/4
      12 min elliptical intervals
      12 min elliptical intervals on different machine
      12 min incline treadmill

      done for the day. nothing silly or crazy today, just a pump session with cardio. i did go in pretty tight and sore but once i got good and warmed up everything felt great and pumped up nicely. i did split the cardio up today on 3 different machines. so not as boring and still got it done. good day in the books.

      meal 1
      5 whole eggs w/light cheese
      2 slices ez toast
      1 cup spinach
      1 tbl spn natty pb
      1 tspn coconut oil
      meal 2
      8oz turkey
      1 cup jasmine rice w/cinnamon and splenda
      1/2 cup black beans
      1/2 avacado
      1 cup green beans
      meal 3
      2 scoops whey iso
      1/4 cup cor
      1tbl spn pb
      1 scoop recovery factor x
      2 scoop hbccd
      10g creatine
      10g eaa
      meal 4
      8oz sirloin
      8oz purple potato
      1 heaping tbl spn natural honey
      1 cup broccoli
      meal 5
      6oz chicken
      1 cup jasmine rice w/cinnamon
      1/2 cup black benas
      1/2 avacado
      1 cup green beans
      meal 6
      6oz turkey
      12oz red potato
      1 cup broccoli
      1/4 cup sour kraut
      meal 7
      2 scoop whey iso
      1 tbl spn pb
      TGBSupplements REP


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    7. #3652
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's

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    8. #3653
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's

      It has to feel good to get back to regular weight and volume. Follow Along G's Run to the NA's

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    9. #3654
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's

      Quote Originally Posted by Pushtoday View Post
      It has to feel good to get back to regular weight and volume. Follow Along G's Run to the NA's

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      absolutely loving it minus the soreness haha
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    10. #3655
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's



      standing cable crunches w/vac 70x10/4
      stationary bike warmup
      roller work
      hip mobility
      dbl leg glute bridge w/iso x10(10s)/4
      lying leg curls 70x10 80x10 90x10 100x10 110x110 120x10 130x10 cluster set 140x10x7x5x4x3x2 (5 breaths between each failure)
      adductor 190x10/3 190x16
      ssb squats x10 155x10 205x10 245x8 295x9 335x8 rb425x8ds 225x10ds 135x20
      TRI SET
      prowler drag 180lbs additional resistance 40 yards 3rounds ts
      prowler lunges 180lbs additional resistance 10 reps 3 rounds ts
      prowler push 180lbs additional resistance 20 yards 3 rounds

      done for the day. nasty nasty session today that had me bobbled. we traveled this weekend so i was in a car for about 15 hours total. so to say going in my back and hips were a little beat up would be an under statement. i was able to go pretty heavy and get some pretty good work in but my back and hips were angry the entire time. all in all a good day in though with some good work.

      meal 1
      5 whole eggs w/light cheese
      2 slices ez toast
      1 cup spinach
      1 tbl spn natty pb
      1 tspn coconut oil
      meal 2
      8oz turkey
      1 cup jasmine rice w/cinnamon and splenda
      1/2 cup black beans
      1/2 avacado
      1 cup green beans
      meal 3
      2 scoops whey iso
      1/4 cup cor
      1tbl spn pb
      1 scoop recovery factor x
      2 scoop hbccd
      10g creatine
      10g eaa
      meal 4
      8oz sirloin
      8oz purple potato
      1 heaping tbl spn natural honey
      1 cup broccoli
      meal 5
      6oz chicken
      1 cup jasmine rice w/cinnamon
      1/2 cup black benas
      1/2 avacado
      1 cup green beans
      meal 6
      6oz turkey
      12oz red potato
      1 cup broccoli
      1/4 cup sour kraut
      meal 7
      2 scoop whey iso
      1 tbl spn pb
      TGBSupplements REP


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    11. #3656
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's



      standing calf raise 335x10 370x10 390x8/6
      hand bike warmup
      incline db press 35x20 50x20 65x8 75x8 95x8
      incline bb press 155x8 185x8 205x8 225x8 255x8
      machine press 140x12 160x12 180x12 ds200x10ds 170x8ds 150x8
      cable cross overs 4x15 (stack not marked)
      reverse cable cross 4x12
      db lats 25x12/4
      machine shoulder press 100x10 120x10 140x10 cluster set 140x10x4x3x2x1 (5 breaths between sets)
      12 min elliptical intervals
      12 min incline treadmill
      12 row machine

      done for the day. not a bad day in today. chest did tighten up a little bit but i am also slowly working the weights back up testing it out. so for how long i have been moving lower weights it is starting to feel better. i may need to get a couple more therapy sessions done on it to make sure it is completely good to go. the row machine kicked my ass also. my legs pumped up something fierce in the first 2 mins. it was def not a good choice for cardio today.

      meal 1
      5 whole eggs w/light cheese
      2 slices ez toast
      1 cup spinach
      1 tbl spn natty pb
      1 tspn coconut oil
      meal 2
      8oz turkey
      1 cup jasmine rice w/cinnamon and splenda
      1/2 cup black beans
      1/2 avacado
      1 cup green beans
      meal 3
      2 scoops whey iso
      1/4 cup cor
      1tbl spn pb
      1 scoop recovery factor x
      2 scoop hbccd
      10g creatine
      10g eaa
      meal 4
      8oz sirloin
      8oz purple potato
      1 heaping tbl spn natural honey
      1 cup broccoli
      meal 5
      6oz chicken
      1 cup jasmine rice w/cinnamon
      1/2 cup black benas
      1/2 avacado
      1 cup green beans
      meal 6
      6oz turkey
      12oz red potato
      1 cup broccoli
      1/4 cup sour kraut
      meal 7
      2 scoop whey iso
      1 tbl spn pb
      TGBSupplements REP


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    12. #3657
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's

      Two solid ass days brother. Not that I’m surprised, I’m just happy to see you posting again.
      I love following your log and training sessions.

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    13. #3658
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's

      Quote Originally Posted by Pushtoday View Post
      Two solid ass days brother. Not that I’m surprised, I’m just happy to see you posting again.
      I love following your log and training sessions.

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      those deload weeks i was slacking like a champ on posting haha
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    14. #3659
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's



      hand bike warmup
      activation movements 3 rounds
      traction machine pull downs 100x8 120x8 140x8 160x8 180x8
      sm bent row 155x8 185x8 225x8 245x8 265x8 285x8
      one arm machine rows 150x8 170x8 190x8 210x8
      machine pullovers 120x12/4
      ind handle close grip pull downs 100x10/4
      horizontal shrugs 45x12/4
      12 min treadmill run
      12 min elliptical intervals
      12 min row machine

      done for the day. nice strong day in the books. everything was moving flowing and felt really good. very good pump going as well. i did get a little bit crazy and decided to try my hand at running at 275lbs. my cardio is spot on for damn sure because i was able to keep pace for a full 12 mins with no issues and barely breathing at all. so that's a plus. the leg session tomorrow is going to be interesting though because i am probably going to be beat up nicely.

      meal 1
      5 whole eggs w/light cheese
      2 slices ez toast
      1 cup spinach
      1 tbl spn natty pb
      1 tspn coconut oil
      meal 2
      8oz turkey
      1 cup jasmine rice w/cinnamon and splenda
      1/2 cup black beans
      1/2 avacado
      1 cup green beans
      meal 3
      2 scoops whey iso
      1/4 cup cor
      1tbl spn pb
      1 scoop recovery factor x
      2 scoop hbccd
      10g creatine
      10g eaa
      meal 4
      8oz sirloin
      8oz purple potato
      1 heaping tbl spn natural honey
      1 cup broccoli
      meal 5
      6oz chicken
      1 cup jasmine rice w/cinnamon
      1/2 cup black benas
      1/2 avacado
      1 cup green beans
      meal 6
      6oz turkey
      12oz red potato
      1 cup broccoli
      1/4 cup sour kraut
      meal 7
      2 scoop whey iso
      1 tbl spn pb
      TGBSupplements REP


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      • Follow Along G's Run to the NA's
      • Follow Along G's Run to the NA's
      • Follow Along G's Run to the NA's
      • Follow Along G's Run to the NA's
      Video of the run please. Big man runnin!
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