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    Thread: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's

    1. #2326
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      I admire ur dedication more thank most pros out there brother keep rockin

    2. #2327
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's

      Quote Originally Posted by MOUNTAIN-MAN View Post
      I admire ur dedication more thank most pros out there brother keep rockin
      thanks man those of us normies with regular genetics have to work harder and more consistent to stay slightly above average. my bp issue helped keep me on track this year for sure, that is with no meds whatsoever. i have had perfect numbs ever since i went to one cheat only per week and cardio at least 3x a wk.
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    3. #2328
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's



      machine reverse crunches 40x15/4
      incline situps x15/4
      roller work
      standing cable curls 20x10-75x10 (warmup)
      incline db curls 20x8 25x8 30x8 35x8
      db hammer curls 25x10 30x10 35x10 40x10
      ez bar preachers 60x12 x10 x8 x6 (20 sec rest)
      v bar pressdowns 120x25 140x25 150x25 140x25
      bench dips x14 x12 x11 x9
      one arm overhead db extensions 25x12/4
      12 min step mill intervals 1-1

      done for the day. got this one done super quick in just over an hour. as usual the pump was stupid and hurt pretty good haha. i hate it. i did manage to smash the piss out of my index finger yesterday so bad that i almost made a trip to the doc about 4 hours after i did it. so all my movements were done with my index finger pointing forward and not bent. it does bend and it isnt quite as bad today but it is pretty freaking sore and my nail is most likely going to be coming off. the loevly hazards of life. feeling pretty good and slept decient last night, at least my normal sleeping pattern. back training will be interesting with this finger tomorrow, esp with the sled rows on deck.

      meal 1
      4 whole eggs
      1/2 cup whites
      1 cup oats
      2 tbl spoon nut butter
      2 scoops intra md 1 scoop intra md eaa +
      meals 2
      8oz turkey
      2 tbl spn coconut oil
      meal 3
      8oz chicken
      1 cup spinach
      2 tbl spn coconut oil
      meal 4
      8oz turkey
      1/4 cup sour kraut
      2 tbl spn coconut oil
      meal 5
      8oz turkey
      1 cup spinach
      meal 6
      8oz chicken
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    4. #2329
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's



      incline crunches x15/4
      lat pd crunches 70x15/4
      reverse hypers x15/4
      roller work
      chest supp pro grip machine row 60x10 75x10 90x10 105x10 120x10 135x10 150x10/4
      assist machine ng pullups x10/4
      tbar deads 35x3 70x3 105x3 140x3 175x3 205x6/6
      db pullovers 45x12 55x12/3
      sled rows 90lbs additional weight 4 rounds for 40 yards
      sled pushes 90lbs additional weight 4 rounds for 40 yards

      done for the day. great fast paced workout today. got a really good pump, hip felt really good and no lower back issues at all. got this all knocked out in about an hour and a half. now i only took 1min recovery on the sled rows and i ended up taking 2-3min recovery on the pushes. i was trying to keep from pumping my legs up to much today. i just wanted a little extra work and cardio but not over do it. happy with this weeks work and progress for sure

      meal 1
      4 whole eggs
      1/2 cup whites
      1 cup oats
      2 tbl spoon nut butter
      2 scoops intra md 1 scoop intra md eaa +
      meals 2
      8oz turkey
      2 tbl spn coconut oil
      meal 3
      8oz chicken
      1 cup spinach
      2 tbl spn coconut oil
      meal 4
      8oz turkey
      1/4 cup sour kraut
      2 tbl spn coconut oil
      meal 5
      8oz turkey
      1 cup spinach
      meal 6
      8oz chicken
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    5. #2330
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's



      lat pd crunches 70x15/4
      roller work
      lying leg curls 60x10 80x10 100x10 120x15/5
      dbl banded leg press 90x10 180x10 270x10 360x10 450x10 540x10 630x10 720x10 (bands made this insane)
      squats 135x6 185x20/4 (these were done slow neg and pos)
      leg extensions ss 105x8ss 105x8ss 105x8ss
      quad stretch ss x30sec/3
      db stiff leg deads 55x12 65x12 70x12
      5 rounds reverse prowler drags 40 yards w/160lbs additional resistance
      5 rounds prowler pushes same as above

      done for the day. a/c broke down in the gym, so this was a hot and very very brutal workout. i am already a hot person and train in a hoodie so that made it extra extra fun. so much so that even though my cardio is freaking great i was sucking wind the entire time because of how heavy the air was. any way, got a great session in today moved pretty fast and got a really solid pump even on somewhat of an empty tank. the slow neg and slow pos squats are a freaking biatch for sure esp after killing the legs on presses before hand. the prowler work is what it is, it doesnt get easier haha and sucks balls.

      meal 1
      4oz turk
      60g of protein pancakes (mancake brand) (these are pretty tasty)
      4 whole eggs
      1/2 cup whites
      1 cup oats
      2 tbl spoon nut butter
      3 scoops intra md 1 scoop intra md eaa +
      meals 3
      8oz turkey
      8oz sweet potato
      2 tbl spn coconut oil
      meal 4
      8oz chicken
      10oz red potato
      1 cup spinach
      2 tbl spn coconut oil
      meal 5
      8oz turkey
      1/4 cup sour kraut
      2 tbl spn coconut oil
      meal 6
      8oz turkey
      1 cup spinach
      TGBSupplements REP


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    6. #2331
      Trixie's Avatar
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's


      Who are you on this page? Mr. "Ab Man." Your diet looks pretty scrumptious compared to past years and you are probably in the best shape of your life. Thanks for the info on BP; that will help Rake out since we have to start all over with a new Doc thanks to Obamacare. I always learn so much from this thread, love you!

    7. #2332
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's

      Quote Originally Posted by Trixie View Post

      Who are you on this page? Mr. "Ab Man." Your diet looks pretty scrumptious compared to past years and you are probably in the best shape of your life. Thanks for the info on BP; that will help Rake out since we have to start all over with a new Doc thanks to Obamacare. I always learn so much from this thread, love you!
      let me tell you about fucking obamacare and how bad it has been screwing me. i also had to get a new doc and have been waiting for multiple referals for over 2 months now. since my freaking hand is finally dying off, i cant get into neuro because i cant get approval in 24 hours like i could before it took effect. i am able to get into the va faster and more effectively than i can with my retired insurance which is ass backwards. god forbid i had a heart or lung condition because i would die waiting to see a freaking specialist. it is unfreaking real how shitty coverage that i pay for is
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    8. #2333
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's



      hanging leg raise ss x15/4ss
      incline situps ss x15/4
      roller work
      incline db press 25x8 45x8 65x8 65x8 85x8 105x8 (had to hit the 65s 2x to make sure i was all warm)
      incline bb press 135x3 185x3 225x3 275x6/4
      incline fly w/manual resistance 45x8ds 35x6/3
      ladder pushups x28mu x11mu x10 round 2 x26mu x9mu x8 round 3 23mu x8mu x6
      reverse peck deck fly 75x15 90x15 95x15 95x15
      ultra wide overhead press ss 45x10ss 65x10ss 65x10ss 65x10ss
      db lats ss ss20x10 ss25x10 ss30x10 ss30x10

      20 min step mill (lss) level 5 for the duration

      done for the day. nothing spectacular to note today. i am a little bit more ill tempered than is usual haha but other than that everything is rolling along smoothy. i am eating the exact same setup as yesterday because it was so delicious and i slept pretty good last night.

      meal 1
      4oz turk
      60g of protein pancakes (mancake brand) (these are pretty tasty)
      4 whole eggs
      1/2 cup whites
      1 cup oats
      2 tbl spoon nut butter
      2 scoops intra md 1 scoop intra md eaa +
      meals 3
      8oz turkey
      8oz sweet potato
      2 tbl spn coconut oil
      meal 4
      8oz chicken
      10oz red potato
      1 cup spinach
      2 tbl spn coconut oil
      meal 5
      8oz turkey
      1/4 cup sour kraut
      2 tbl spn coconut oil
      meal 6
      8oz turkey
      1 cup spinach
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    9. #2334
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's


      Tell me about the Ab work... How small is your waist?

    10. #2335
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's

      Quote Originally Posted by Trixie View Post

      Tell me about the Ab work... How small is your waist?
      it is down to 34 and a little smaller on an empty stomach. now, i am only doing the additional ab work to protect the lower back and hips haha. the additional nasty abs and smaller waist is kind of an added benefit. i may be upping the frequency and intensity as well to tighten it down even more. we will see
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    11. #2336
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's



      standing lat pd crunches 70x15/4
      reverse crunch machine 40x15/4
      reverse hypers x15/4
      roller work
      meadows rows x8 25x8 50x8 75x8 100x8 125x8/4
      rack pulls ss 135x3 225x3 315x3 405x5ss 405x5ss 405x5ss 405x5ss
      assisted chins ss x12 ss x10 ss x9 ss x9
      db pullovers 45x10 55x10 65x10 65x10
      elevated low pulley rows mag ng 120x10 140x10 140x10 140x10
      hanging stretch 50 sec
      sled rows 125 additional pounds on sled 6 rounds of 40 yards

      done for the day. i am wiped out today. i got it all done and in in 2 hours so i was freaking trucking along. the rack pulls absolutely destroyed my entire back and hands. doing the sled pulls was extra brutal today and i had to keep stopping to regrip because of my hands. all in all a great session for sure though even though it was a serious kick in the nuts.

      meal 1
      4 whole eggs
      1/2 cup whites
      1 cup oats
      2 tbl spoon nut butter
      3 scoops intra md 1 scoop intra md eaa +
      meals 2
      8oz turkey
      8oz sweet potato
      2 tbl spn coconut oil
      meal 3
      8oz chicken
      1 cup spinach
      2 tbl spn coconut oil
      meal 4
      8oz turkey
      1/4 cup sour kraut
      2 tbl spn coconut oil
      meal 5
      8oz turkey
      1 cup spinach
      meal 6
      8oz chicken
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    12. #2337
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's



      standing lat pd crunches 70x15/4
      incline situps x15/4
      reverse hypers x15/4
      roller work
      seated leg curls 90x10 105x10 120x10 135x15/6
      glute kickbacks on hip machine 80x12/3
      leg press high and wide 90x10 180x10 270x10 360x10 450x10 540x10 630x10 720x10
      wide stance sumo squats db 60x10 100x10 100x10 100x10
      one leg extensions w/stretches and flexing 60x10/4 20sec stretch followed by 10 flexes each quad
      machine toe press ss 200x10ss 220x10ss 240x10ss 260x10ss
      standing bw raises ss x20/4
      sled drag 90lbs on sled 4 rounds for 40 yards
      sled pushes 90lbs on sled 4 rounds 40 yards (did these back to back that's why i decreased the weight to change the intensity)

      done for the day. great session today with a sick pump. yesterday broke my ass off more so than i though. i am actually pretty sore and i fought the sandman all freaking day long so i wouldnt be up the entire night pacing. i do have a smidge of knee pain but that's a part of getting leaner, pretty much everything aches a bit with all the extra work. legs did go really well though with no pain at all. i am happy with how fast i am progressing along right now

      meal 1
      4 whole eggs
      1/2 cup whites
      1 cup oats
      2 tbl spoon nut butter
      2 scoops intra md 1 scoop intra md eaa +
      meals 2
      8oz turkey
      8oz sweet potato
      2 tbl spn coconut oil
      meal 3
      8oz chicken
      10oz red potato
      1 cup spinach
      2 tbl spn coconut oil
      meal 4
      8oz turkey
      1/4 cup sour kraut
      2 tbl spn coconut oil
      meal 5
      8oz turkey
      1 cup spinach
      meal 6
      8oz chicken
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    13. #2338
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      machine reverse crunches 40x15/4
      incline situps x15/4 (did these super quick today)
      roller work
      standing db curls 10x10 15x10 20x10 25x6 30x6 35x6
      bb preachers 70x12/3
      ez bar reverse curls 40x10x10/4
      standing bb curls 80x10x8x6 (20 sec rest between each set)
      rope pressdowns 70x15 80x15 100x25 100x25 90x25 80x25
      bench dips x25 x20 x19 x12
      ez bar close grip bp special 90x12/3
      20 min stepmill (lss) level 5

      done for the day. arms, which i hate. abs we did with only about 10-15 sec rest between sets. stupid pump which makes arms suck worse than legs. i did push the pace a tad bit on the stupid lss cardio. cool thing is my heart rate stayed under 140 for the entire duration. overall great day and in and out in under an hour and a half

      meal 1
      4 whole eggs
      1/2 cup whites
      1 cup oats
      2 tbl spoon nut butter
      2 scoops intra md 1 scoop intra md eaa +
      meals 2
      8oz turkey
      2 tbl spn coconut oil
      meal 3
      8oz chicken
      1 cup spinach
      2 tbl spn coconut oil
      meal 4
      8oz turkey
      1/4 cup sour kraut
      2 tbl spn coconut oil
      meal 5
      8oz turkey
      1 cup spinach
      meal 6
      8oz chicken
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    14. #2339
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      standing lat pd crunches 70x20/4
      one arm pro cable rows 20x8 30x8 40x8 50x8 70x8/4
      dragon rows 25x8 50x8 75x8 100x8
      ng assist chins x10 x10 x10 x9
      db pullovers 45x12 50x12 55x12 60x12
      sm deads 185x6/3
      sled rows 90lbs additional weight on the sled. 6 rounds of 40 yards. very very little rest between rounds 30 sec max

      done for the day. actually even being depleted i got in a really good session today. pump was pretty nasty after the sled rows also. i actually feel pretty good but tomorrows rest day will be good to aid in even more recovery.

      meal 1
      4 whole eggs
      1/2 cup whites
      1 cup oats
      2 tbl spoon nut butter
      2 scoops intra md 1 scoop intra md eaa +
      meals 2
      8oz turkey
      2 tbl spn coconut oil
      meal 3
      8oz chicken
      1 cup spinach
      2 tbl spn coconut oil
      meal 4
      8oz turkey
      1/4 cup sour kraut
      2 tbl spn coconut oil
      meal 5
      8oz turkey
      1 cup spinach
      meal 6
      8oz chicken
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    15. #2340
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      Default Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's

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      • Follow Along G's Run to the NA's
      • Follow Along G's Run to the NA's
      • Follow Along G's Run to the NA's


      standing lat pd crunches w/vacuum 70x15/4
      reverse hypers x15/4
      roller work
      lying leg curls 60x10 70x10 80x10 90x10 100x10 110x10 120x10 ds 115x10ds 95x8ds 75x9(20sec)
      squats 135x15 185x8 225x8 275x8 315x8 345x8 365x8
      leg press (low narrow) 270x6 360x6 450x15/3
      leg extensions 105x10 ds 120x8ds(1) 105x8(1)ds 90x8(1)
      cable pull threws 100x12/3
      sled drags 135lbs additional weight 4 rounds 4 yards
      sled pushes 135lbs additional weight 4 rounds 4 yards

      done for the day. went pretty heavy on squats being depleted out but it actually didnt feel to bad. i did lose speed at 315 but i was able to keep the reps at 8. so that's a good sign that i am not losing strength at all. the rest of the session was on point. i did crank up the intensity on the sled work a bit. i dragged it down the 40 rested for about 10-15 sec then pushed it back. 1 minute rest then again back and forth. it filled up my even more filled up legs big time. great day and i am spent.

      meal 1
      4oz turk
      60g of protein pancakes (mancake brand) (these are pretty tasty)
      4 whole eggs
      1/2 cup whites
      1 cup oats
      2 tbl spoon nut butter
      3 scoops intra md 1 scoop intra md eaa +
      meals 3
      8oz turkey
      8oz sweet potato
      2 tbl spn coconut oil
      meal 4
      8oz chicken
      10oz red potato
      1 cup spinach
      2 tbl spn coconut oil
      meal 5
      8oz turkey
      1/4 cup sour kraut
      2 tbl spn coconut oil
      meal 6
      8oz turkey
      1 cup spinach
      TGBSupplements REP


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