For the last month or so I've been getting lower back spasms or my calves will knot up on me some nights to the point where I'm pacing the house rather than laying down at bedtime because I feel tightness like I'm about to cramp. And when I do, OMG I fly out of bed in horrible pain. I'm plenty hydrated and have increased my potassium and electrolytes but to no avail. I've lost 28 lbs in last 4 months and the last 10 has really been when I've noticed the issue. I'm at about 12% and want to get to about 8% before I'm done cutting. Currently taking 250 mgs of sust, 100 mgs of masteron-p and 200 mgs of EQ every 3-4 days. I got off the winny-v but that hasn't helped. Any thoughts on what I can take to ease the cramps? I really don't want to back off my supplement or training regime.