Re: Visceral Fat
ok got a couple of things. jipped and i have discussed keto back and forth for years and i am one of those people that just can not do it at all. low fat high pro high fat low pro it doesnt matter. my body doesnt tolerate it at all. i pass out and have all kinds of issues. it is fantastic for getting insulin resistance under control though in the short term for sure and for me i can go a week to two weeks and push cardio hard and it works but after that the negatives over weigh the positives. again that's just me and i know other people besides jipped that thrive on it.
couple of options that come to mind: 1- low dose gh and t3.. we are taling 2-4ius 5 days per week and then adding in 25mcg of t3 to offset the shut down. this will get the visceral coming off pretty good for the majority of us older folks. dont inject into the gut though, go with im or use leg or glute sub q.
option 2- helios: this is a combo of clen and yohimbine that will give you some localized spot reduction. i know i know it is a systematic blah blah but their is research that yohimbine can work locally when injected. low end dosing on this product also works really well and the sides seem to be much more tolerable than orally.
option 3- injectable l-carnitine: this one mobilizes fat acids for fuel and also gives you a metabolic boost with some heart health protection. it is only viable in the injectable form because it is broken down to much to be useful orally and the dose required orally to hit peak levels causes serious gastro issues.
option 4- cold therapies: cryotherapy either whole body or localized as well as daily ice baths. this cranks up recovery as well as activates brown fat to do it's magic. i am a huge fan of the whole body cryo personally and i feel like it works fantastic for me both in fat loss and recovery. just remember it needs to be done on off days and as far away from training as possible. it will completely wipe out all the training you have done if you do it on a training day.
you can pick any of these or add them in one at a time and just ramp it up until you hit your goals. that's the normal approach i take. when my progress stalls i add one in and then the next and so on until i am bone peeled.
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