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    Thread: Recovery log from surgery

    1. #1
      macedog24's Avatar
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      Default Recovery log from surgery

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      • Recovery log from surgery
      • Recovery log from surgery
      • Recovery log from surgery
      Really sorry I've been mia for a while had a lot going on the last 6months, things had become increasingly hard and have been kinda depressed trying to manage things and money and working as much as possible but still not cutting it..So here we are again.. had surgery on my left shoulder and bicep. (Been dealing with this since nov2020) Some damage to the labrum , the supraspinatus was 90% torn, totally off the top of the bone ( rear top 1/4) . Also performed a bicep tenodisis and cleaned up some other stuff all left side. Been dealing with this for some time. Was suppose to have this surgery back in the beginning of June but was in a car accident that fractured my 5th rib on easter so everything was pushed.
      back ..
      I will try and give updates of therapy and exercises, supplementation, and full recovery details..
      I will be starting back on my trt. I will use heal from IML and kratom for pain.
      The nerve block was a disaster... Couldn't get it. Couldnt locate the roots or find it...idk but I had to lay there with my head back to the side for almost 40 minutes. While he stuck and restuck my neck and dug around trying to find it.. he withdrew that needle 3or 4 times that I remember. It must of become very dull because he couldn't push it back through and into my neck.. they come back three times waiting for me in the operating room. Til he gave up and said he would just give me more along the nerve..
      Woke up after. Had a hard time breathing. Diaphragm was numb do to the extra meds could only take a half breaths.. was there for about 4 hrs after surgery do to this issue. They released me anyway. Went in at 9am didn't leave until 6pm. Surgery was Friday the 9th. Had some issues had to use my nebulizer to help with breathing. Lasted for almost 2 days..til I was able to breath normally again.
      Feet ankle and lower leg swelled that Monday BP jumped up pretty high had to go to the cardiologist. Gave me meds for water reduction and bp. Since COVID and I was hospitalized over a yr ago I've been seeing a cardiologist I have a small section of my heart that has scar tissue on it and doesn't function...
      Anyway I started my therapy yesterday. Will keep everyone updated ..

      mace15 for 15% off!-Straightupkratom

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      Default Re: Recovery log from surgery

      Sunday I did some pendulum exercises... Very sore and hard to do.. again therapy started yesterday. I actually did these in th shower with heat ..I rode the bike also did a few miles .Applied 8 pumps of heal again ... Tomorrow with therapy I will begin 16 pumps eod..
      Gotta try and heal up and recover asap... So we will be paying close attention to exercises
      My heal dosage sleep and recovery .
      Took 5gr red Borneo at night to help with sleep and pain..

      Took my dose of heal.8pumps x2 ... Today Is therapy .Did a bunch of manipulation and stretching out the arm to get movement.. range of motion is pretty good. I was happily surprised..better than 90%
      scapula and scar tissue mobilization
      Soft tissue mobilization/massage/myofascial release to upper quarter
      Elbow/hand/wrist arom flexion extension pronation supination light resistance exercises
      Periscapular musculature retraining ( arom,holds, isometrics,pnf )
      flexion and aBD 90 degrees(slightly better)
      ER scapular plane to neutral

      Can resume general conditioning program. Walking stationary bike no jogging yet.3 months
      feel pretty good... Will take my trt dose of test 200mg.
      there are a few things I may begin also I have to work out how I'm running them.. update later don't have therapy again til Friday.

      mace15 for 15% off!-Straightupkratom

    3. #3
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      Default Re: Recovery log from surgery

      damn man that's pretty freaking brutal for sure. couple things to help that you can consider. bpc157 at 3-400 per day and you can put it anywhere you want it it doesnt have to go in the area. it will pull out inflammation and speed up healing. tb is also good from what some say, i personally didnt get shit out of it. gh of course is a good addition at 1-3ius per day. it helps heal damn near everything under the sun esp in us older folks. eq/deca and or npp at very low dsing along with your hrt. they also promote healing as well. eq helps regrow tendons and stuff from what i have read. all things to think about.

      hope you have a quick and less painful recovery man. also if you have damage in your heart that scared and doesnt function now, do they think you had a heart attack? injectable l carnitine is good for heart health and fixing all the bull shit we got from covid. look into that one as well
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      Default Re: Recovery log from surgery

      Thanks.. I'm limited in funds and gear.. so I have to see what I have. Don't think I have much of anything . I'm taking something called heal it has both tb500/bpc157 in it..

      mace15 for 15% off!-Straightupkratom

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      Default Re: Recovery log from surgery

      Today therapy .
      More manipulation and stretching out the arm to get movement.. range of motion is good. I was happily surprised..better than 120 degrees straight out to the side(assisted)lying on my back.
      About150 degrees above my head assisted on my back
      More scapula and scar tissue mobilization
      Soft tissue mobilization/massage
      More Periscapular musculature retraining ( arom,holds, isometrics,pnf )
      Bicep supination curls 2 set x 20, 3 sec hold at the top 2 or 3lbs don't recall
      More wrist curls and twists with the dumbbells.
      Presses with a stick and 2 lb wait wrapped around.. extend with scaps at the top and hold for 2-3 sec. 20reps
      Push fist into the wall 10sec x 20
      OutSide Elbow against the wall and push for 10sec x20like doing a delt raise
      Wrist and hand against the wall same like doing a side delt raise 10sec hold x 20
      Front delt raise thumbs pointing upward cant quite get to 90 degrees hold for 3 sec x20
      Side delt raise thumbs pointing upward not quite 90 degrees hold for 3 sec x 20
      Cryo and stim
      Sore today really sore and bicep into shoulder is swollen..

      mace15 for 15% off!-Straightupkratom

    6. #6
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      Also did the bike for 20minutes and the treadmill for 15 minutes .
      Took my heal..after therapy today .. I'm very sore.. I must have really been over compensating with my scap do to how bad the tear was.. because shoulder and scap seem to be on a different page..real clanky, shoulder feels pulled forward and kinda twisted inward.
      Scap keeps trying to do a lot of the moving/control. Hopefully I'm out of the block and sling this week or next. Friday is six weeks since surgery .

      mace15 for 15% off!-Straightupkratom

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      Default Re: Recovery log from surgery

      hope you doin well!! everything will be ok

    8. #8
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      Default Re: Recovery log from surgery

      Things have been progressing.. (left shoulder/bicep)
      Not as smooth as I had hoped.
      Ha e some issues with the scap area/ rear trap area of the shoulder. My range of motion is pretty good in some areas.
      Can't put my arm back like a double bicep pose. Can't rotate the forearm upward when out to the side. (Like a standing bench press position). The arm rotates up and back only about half way.. again think of being in a standing bench press position. Elbows against the wall. The goal is to rotate the arm so the forearm and back of the hand touch the wall. But I can only rotate about halfway back .. this is much tougher than last time I had this surgery on my right shoulder and bicep..been going to therapy 3days a week. Sorry for lack of updates. It's been rough kind of depressing with my work situation and the holidays.

      mace15 for 15% off!-Straightupkratom

    9. #9
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      • Recovery log from surgery
      • Recovery log from surgery
      • Recovery log from surgery
      • Recovery log from surgery
      • Recovery log from surgery
      Today 40 minutes in the treadmill.
      Some stretching
      On all exercises I do a 3sec hold
      2lb front delt raise arm straight thumbs pointed upward.
      Side delt raises. Feels like the shoulder is being jammed across the the front of the collar bone.
      Rear delt raises.
      Single arm dumbbell Supination curls everything is a 3 sec squeeze/hold slow movements. About 3 sec up and 3 sec down also .
      Alt one arm bicep curls palms up
      Alt one arm Hammer curls
      Alt one arm Reverse curls
      Starting wrist curls and reverse wrist curls also .
      Doing some side resistance work with bands
      Keep Elbow at my side forearm out in front of me . And pull across my body outward 2 sets of 20
      Then I hold the band pulling away from the body elbow at my side and forearm out in front I pull the forearm across the towards the hip. Hold 3sec then the band pulls the forearm back away from th body and I try to allow this to stretch out the shoulder /bicep rotating the forearm back away from me toward the wall. Hold 3 sec repeat 20x.

      mace15 for 15% off!-Straightupkratom

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