I had one a fe3w days ago. It feels as if a heart attack is going on. 2 Rad techs came into my room to do a chest xray. Business as usual they were pretty cheerful and talkative. They took about 3 pictures.
While leaving I heard 1 whisper to the other "thats what a real man looks like". I tell you what when some younger girls say that you tend to take notice.
I am most critical of myself. I carry a little to much fat on mid section at 36". Bu my arms are large and shredded a nurses dream they all say. My chest is to small at 48". At 65 I should not complain.
I do eat to much fast food but I try to get the healthiest choice like fish or chicken and practice portion control.
I haven't been to the gym since 6 months ago after my last a fibg