Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
fuck no and after seeing all the fucked up people on tv using mexico for cheap doc visits. no way in hell i would even come close to trusting them. i have not heard anyone i know that has had it done stateside that was wowed by it at all other than emptying out their wallets. hit up gotclen if you can track him down. he had it done for his shoulder and didnt get shit out of it at all and he did the full course of treatment
Thats the usual story Ive heard from people who got stem cells and wasted thouseands of dollars but a few people said it was totally worth the money. Its a gamble for sure.
Those mexcian docs might be no good, and risky, but When my shou8lder is throbbing 24/7 and I cant bench, I would let hashi moto inject stem cells into my shoulder if It would help. lol