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    Thread: Just had an MRI-My shoulder is obliterated

    1. #1
      Dzone's Avatar
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      Default Just had an MRI-My shoulder is obliterated

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      • Just had an MRI-My shoulder is obliterated

      • Just had an MRI-My shoulder is obliterated
      • Just had an MRI-My shoulder is obliterated
      • Just had an MRI-My shoulder is obliterated
      • Just had an MRI-My shoulder is obliterated
      • Just had an MRI-My shoulder is obliterated
      • Just had an MRI-My shoulder is obliterated
      I just got the MRI report faxed over.
      I have 3 FULL THICKNES tears in my shoulder. Full thickness tears of my supraspinatous, subscapularis and biceps long head. Plus a torn labrum.
      The doctor said he cant believe that I am still working and working out with a shoulder like this. I am not taking any pain pills at all and the pain is excruciating. I was hoping for the best, but this MRI has confirmed-I need surgery on this shoulder asap. How in the hell am I supposed to work after surgery? Not sure wtf Im going to do. &%$#!!!!!

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      Default Re: Just had an MRI-My shoulder is obliterated

      Quote Originally Posted by Dzone View Post
      I just got the MRI report faxed over.
      I have 3 FULL THICKNES tears in my shoulder. Full thickness tears of my supraspinatous, subscapularis and biceps long head. Plus a torn labrum.
      The doctor said he cant believe that I am still working and working out with a shoulder like this. I am not taking any pain pills at all and the pain is excruciating. I was hoping for the best, but this MRI has confirmed-I need surgery on this shoulder asap. How in the hell am I supposed to work after surgery? Not sure wtf Im going to do. &%$#!!!!!
      Sorry to hear. It will take some time to heal. But it will happen... Was this done at work.?

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    3. #3
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      Default Re: Just had an MRI-My shoulder is obliterated

      Quote Originally Posted by macedog24 View Post
      Sorry to hear. It will take some time to heal. But it will happen... Was this done at work.?
      Thanks. The first tear happened 10 or so years ago benching 120s. Back then the doc said I needed surgery. I refused to have surgery. But I was able to get it healed up to where I was benching dumbells again and doing dips. Then on new years eve, I was throwing an old door onto a bonfire and it mu8st have ripped everything to shreds. The pain is so deep and unrelenting, unlike any other injury Ive had and I am one month post injury and the pain level is still off the charts.
      I have to figure out what I am going to do. I have no health insurance. I got a free MRI this week because I know them. I have to accept that I have to have surgery soon or live in pain 24/7 forever.
      I always pay with cash when I go to the doctor, but hell if I know what It will cost to hav e major shoulder surgery. Maybe they will work out a payment plan for me. LOL
      Wonder how long the recovery is for that type surgery?

    4. #4
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      Default Re: Just had an MRI-My shoulder is obliterated

      I was shocked to see torn labrum on that report. I figured I could deal with tendon tears, but a torn labrum? shit..
      I tried working out last week a couple times. Pullups. pushups. Doing further damage. I paid for it big time with stabbing pain for hours. Then today when I saw the mri report, I knew why

    5. #5
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      Default Re: Just had an MRI-My shoulder is obliterated

      A buddy had a similar prob with his shoulder. Not as bad but bad enough to have surgery. they actually removed a damaged tendon all together and he is having to learn to use his arm again.

      this dudes legs went from decent sized to MASSIVE in 7 months. His calves look like he is smuggling a softball in the top of his sock.

      Look at it as positively as you can. What normally lags on non-competitive BBs? Legs.

      I hope your surgery goes well and you recover quickly brother.
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    6. #6
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      Default Re: Just had an MRI-My shoulder is obliterated

      the other tears are going to have to be fixed and most likely where the pain is coming from but the labrum you can live and train without. my training partner actually has a full tear of his from about 5 or so years ago from being injured in combat. he is as big or bigger than i am and still is able to do everything that i can and more. he is actually stronger than i am on shoulders and chest. so my uneducated non doc guess would be the issues are coming from the other tears knowing him. surgery will probably be more than 30k or more depending on who you use and how good they are and you are looking at 6 months or better before you can start to build back man and then probably a year to a year plus before you get back to where you were before.

      a dude i compete with tore his tricep in half and both the tendons that attaches it to the elbow. he trained legs and the other side of his body post surgery and rehab and didnt lose any size at all. you actually couldnt even tell a difference in the arm from the other. he won his pro card 8 months post surgery/injury. so you can keep working
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      Default Re: Just had an MRI-My shoulder is obliterated

      I'm literally visualizing myself going to work with my arm in a post surgical sling. Fuck ya. lmao

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      Default Re: Just had an MRI-My shoulder is obliterated

      I will pray for a fast recovery

    9. #9
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      Default Re: Just had an MRI-My shoulder is obliterated

      Am seeing there is some evidence that a laser can repair torn rotator cuff tendons. I am going to look into getting one before I consider surgery.

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      Default Re: Just had an MRI-My shoulder is obliterated

      Man sorry to hear you're going through all of that bro. Sending prayers for a positive outcome and speedy recovery.
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      Default Re: Just had an MRI-My shoulder is obliterated

      Quote Originally Posted by Dzone View Post
      Am seeing there is some evidence that a laser can repair torn rotator cuff tendons. I am going to look into getting one before I consider surgery.
      send your imaging over to your family friend man. he can give you an opinion and maybe some good pricing options if the laser doesnt work or isnt effective enough
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    12. #12
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      Default Re: Just had an MRI-My shoulder is obliterated

      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      send your imaging over to your family friend man. he can give you an opinion and maybe some good pricing options if the laser doesnt work or isnt effective enough
      Thanks guns! Ya, I think I will do that. I am going to also look into that laser. I think the good lasers can be damn expensive like $15,000 but they can be used for all kinds of things. There is a guy in springs who is a guru of shoulder surgery and everybody goes to him. I went to him years ago and he told me : "Your shoulder is shot and you need surgery to fix it". I never got surgery and rehabbed it and got back to benching dumbbells and doing full range dips. They say a RTC injury can take 4-6 months to heal, so its going to be a slow road back but I am going to be a unilateral training fanatic and see how much muscle I can hold onto my injured side.

      When my insurance went to $1,000 a month thanks to obama, I dropped it. Even had to pay a huge fine every year to the i r s for not having insurance until Trump came along.

      Being that I am uninsured, is there any way I can go get an insurance policy and have them pay for this surgery? It's obviously going to be a pre existing condition and I dont know if getting insurance now will do me any good. I had the MRI done on Jan 25, 2021 so there is a record now of my shoulder being injured.

    13. #13
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      Default Re: Just had an MRI-My shoulder is obliterated

      Feelin good. Bought a hot tub last week so now I am putting the strongest jet right on that shoulder about 6 times a day for 20 minutes and I'll be damned, never underestimate the healing power of water. Pain is going down and am able to do curls with 15 pound dumbell and rows with a 45 without any pain, also am doing partial pullups with no problem. My reps might be only 2 or 3 inches, but its enough.. I think I can heal this. Im going to give it 4-6 months. Got to be patient and take it slow. The power that made the body can heal the body.

    14. #14
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      Default Re: Just had an MRI-My shoulder is obliterated

      Quote Originally Posted by Dzone View Post
      Feelin good. Bought a hot tub last week so now I am putting the strongest jet right on that shoulder about 6 times a day for 20 minutes and I'll be damned, never underestimate the healing power of water. Pain is going down and am able to do curls with 15 pound dumbell and rows with a 45 without any pain, also am doing partial pullups with no problem. My reps might be only 2 or 3 inches, but its enough.. I think I can heal this. Im going to give it 4-6 months. Got to be patient and take it slow. The power that made the body can heal the body.
      bpc 157 for starters to heal and lower inflammation during rehab process. dont forget to ice a few times daily as well. they make some pretty cool wraps that you can wear and keep it on the specific area. maybe you can get it to heal up on it's own man, that would be nice but also keep in mind if you blow the entire rotator cuff you will really be screwed. you wont be able to use that arm at all until it is fixed
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    15. #15
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      Default Re: Just had an MRI-My shoulder is obliterated

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      • Just had an MRI-My shoulder is obliterated
      • Just had an MRI-My shoulder is obliterated
      • Just had an MRI-My shoulder is obliterated
      • Just had an MRI-My shoulder is obliterated
      • Just had an MRI-My shoulder is obliterated
      • Just had an MRI-My shoulder is obliterated
      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      bpc 157 for starters to heal and lower inflammation during rehab process. dont forget to ice a few times daily as well. they make some pretty cool wraps that you can wear and keep it on the specific area. maybe you can get it to heal up on it's own man, that would be nice but also keep in mind if you blow the entire rotator cuff you will really be screwed. you wont be able to use that arm at all until it is fixed
      Thanks guns. Honestly, I would probably get the4 surgery if I could swing it, but I dont think I have a choice. Small business owners dont get benefits like unemployment or disability benefits. Plus, people who work for me depend on me for their livelihood and have families to take care of. Ive never taken a single vacation in 25 years. When the surgeon said I would be out 4-6 months I thought to myself, no fuck,ing way. Then I hear that song by queen in my head, the show must go on. lol

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