Curious if anyone else has experienced something similar to what I have going on with my right knee. I guess I could go get it checked out, but it honestly isn't anything that really bothers me. Just annoying sometimes.

When I kneel down on a hard surface on the front of my right knee, I get a burning sensation off to the right side. It's very strange. It's not a deep burning, feels more toward the outside, but it can be pretty intense if I put all my weight on the knee. Absolutely no other pain at all. It's not sore, doesn't hurt when walking or running. No pain while training, squatting, leg extensions etc... No pain, or burning at all during any activities. Everything feels strong and solid. Only when I kneel down on a hard surface putting pressure on the front of my knee, I get that burning sensation off to the right side.

I can't even remember when it started. The earliest time I can remember noticing it was a while back when I knelt down on my knee washing my truck. I thought it was really odd that the burning sensation was off to the side when I put pressure on the front.

Anyone else ever experience anything like this?