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    Thread: Epidural scheduled for Thursday afternoon . . .

    1. #1
      lex-ttp's Avatar
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      Default Epidural scheduled for Thursday afternoon . . .

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      • Epidural scheduled for Thursday afternoon . . .

      • Epidural scheduled for Thursday afternoon . . .
      • Epidural scheduled for Thursday afternoon . . .
      • Epidural scheduled for Thursday afternoon . . .
      • Epidural scheduled for Thursday afternoon . . .
      • Epidural scheduled for Thursday afternoon . . .
      • Epidural scheduled for Thursday afternoon . . .
      I'm 50 yo, have had back issues for about 20 year's now. I had surgery in 2000 to relieve two L4-L5 herniated disc's, fragments of which had sheared off and were imbedded into my sciatic nerve which had to be surgically removed. The surgery was an instant success back then as problem was caused by me being an idiot and causing my own injury at the time. Surgery went great and was back in gym in 3 weeks.

      I was never quite the same having back problems almost yearly that would last a week or so then go to go again for another year, none of which were sciatic, until last year . . .

      About 9 months ago, what started off as, best description, a tooth-ache in my left ass check that was constant and only got worse, side-lined me from training after only a few weeks and within 3 months effected me to the point of me not being able to walk or stand for more than 5-10 minutes w/out grabbing onto something lessened in intensity in the ass and all of a sudden moved down my leg to the side of my calf and became tingling, like pins and needles. I saw 2 back "Specialists" the first took x-rays and said it was arthritis and gave me a book on stretching. After zero progress in 6 weeks, got a second opinion. this one measured my toe strength, which was weak, measured my calves - my right was 3/4" larger than left, feeling in toes - which there was none and finally ordered an MRI. Which showed herniation of L4-L5 discs on both sides and something to do with S1 on my right side . . . basically years of 225 lbs seated military presses behind the neck for 5 of 5's, squats and everything else over the years finally caught up with me!

      Never had an epidural. I know I can't drive home but can someone tell me what to expect in terms of can I go to work next day or should I schedule it off? If it works, how quickly and should one shot do it or 2-3 possibly? How long before it kicks in if it works and when can I start lifting again? (again, if it works?) Is it temporary or permanent?

      Sorry, doctor was very vague and I have all these questions. I've heard different things from different people that have had them but I'm sure my brothers (and sisters) on this site, who have done/used same supps/exercises over years might have more accurate answers based on the things "We" put or bodies through, as opposed to "Normal" people with back issues?

      Any thoughts/experiences would be much appreciated.


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      Default Re: Epidural scheduled for Thursday afternoon . . .

      Man I'm sorry you're having to go through all of that bro. I don't have any experience with epidurals, so I can't really help you there with what to expect but I'm sending positive vibes your way and hoping all gets better soon.
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      Default Re: Epidural scheduled for Thursday afternoon . . .

      that sucks bro big time bad. again like yohimb i have no personal experience but what i thought of an epiderual was that it blocks pain like a nerve block. idk if they are injecting something into your spine or what but when ladies get them for delivering babies i am pretty sure where the put it in makes everything from the waist down numb. so honestly i have no clue but wish you luck and relief for damn sure
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      jipped genes's Avatar
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      Default Re: Epidural scheduled for Thursday afternoon . . .

      I have it done about once every 9-14 months. It helps but for a almost week I slept horribly. Then I slept good after that as my back pain went from a 6 to a 2.

      It helps. I have found PT every day helps too. I have not had a shot in 14 months and feel pretty good. You have to do it every day.

      The procedure is a cakewalk. You will feel heavy pressure on your back but no pain.
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      Default Re: Epidural scheduled for Thursday afternoon . . .

      They will numb the area pretty good. Some Dr will use an ultra sound to guide some go by feel. They will inject the solution where needed. The first few would ease the pain for about 6 months then the duration would get less and less. A fusion soon followed.
      Not saying you need a fusion but I did.

    6. #6
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      Default Re: Epidural scheduled for Thursday afternoon . . .

      Thank you everyone for your imput.

      Just got home from procedure. Thought I felt fine but got up to walk out of dr's office and bumped into the wall as if I were drunk. I see now why they make someone drive you home. Well stay tuned, I'll keep everyone posted on my progress. Never wanted to get back to the gym and train again so badly after an operation/injury in my life! Sure hope it works!

      Thanks again my brothers,

    7. #7
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      Default Re: Epidural scheduled for Thursday afternoon . . .

      I’ve had dozens upon dozens of epidurals. Some work, some don’t. I’ve also driven an average of 100 miles there and back so it’s not that you car drive, it’s just precautionary. Only once in last five years of maxing out shots did i ever have a weird reaction and had a spasm. Be smart, eat super clean and stay well hydrated because the shots, i believe, grab hold better if your blood is cleaner. Good luck moving forward Brotha!

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    8. #8
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      Default Re: Epidural scheduled for Thursday afternoon . . .

      Hope it works for you!

    9. #9
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      Default Re: Epidural scheduled for Thursday afternoon . . .

      Good luck bro

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    10. #10
      lex-ttp's Avatar
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      Default Re: Epidural scheduled for Thursday afternoon . . .

      Quote Originally Posted by jipped genes View Post
      I have it done about once every 9-14 months. It helps but for a almost week I slept horribly. Then I slept good after that as my back pain went from a 6 to a 2.

      It helps. I have found PT every day helps too. I have not had a shot in 14 months and feel pretty good. You have to do it every day.

      The procedure is a cakewalk. You will feel heavy pressure on your back but no pain.
      Roger that Jipped. Procedure was just as you said. It took all of 10 minutes from time I walk in room, pull down my pants to knees (not even take shirt or pants off!) and for them to position what I believe the doc said was I camera to make sure he was shooting the cortisone directly down my nerve I I felt it travel almost to my feet. That was the extent of "pain" at the time.

    11. #11
      lex-ttp's Avatar
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      Default Re: Epidural scheduled for Thursday afternoon . . .

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      • Epidural scheduled for Thursday afternoon . . .
      • Epidural scheduled for Thursday afternoon . . .

      • Epidural scheduled for Thursday afternoon . . .
      • Epidural scheduled for Thursday afternoon . . .
      • Epidural scheduled for Thursday afternoon . . .
      • Epidural scheduled for Thursday afternoon . . .
      • Epidural scheduled for Thursday afternoon . . .
      • Epidural scheduled for Thursday afternoon . . .
      Quote Originally Posted by jipped genes View Post
      I have it done about once every 9-14 months. It helps but for a almost week I slept horribly. Then I slept good after that as my back pain went from a 6 to a 2.

      It helps. I have found PT every day helps too. I have not had a shot in 14 months and feel pretty good. You have to do it every day.

      The procedure is a cakewalk. You will feel heavy pressure on your back but no pain.
      Oh, and I haven't slept in 48 hours, pain is initially worse as predicted Jipped. So far you're rihgt on!

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