so surgery was July 22, it went extremely well, nerve block wore off my late afternoon, stated my pendulum swings next morning, dr says i can do them hourly instead of the 3-4 times per day last time. back to work yesterday, in the gym sunday working legs, limited to cybex seated leg press, leg extensions and adductor machine, no leg curls as this gym only has lying leg curls ad can't do that with the sling which comes off this coming monday, the same day i start PT. Monday i hit chest on the Hammer chest machine only using left arm and pec dec with left arm finishing with Strive chest machine only using left arm. yesterday it was shoulders starting with standing parallel under the smith machine(maybe perpendicular, i can't remember terminology) and did one arm presses with the smith machine, then cable laterals with left arm and cable front raise with left arm. today the plan is db curl, one arm preacher machine curls and one arm cable curls along with single arm push down and single arm extensions on Strive tri machine finishing with left arm dips on the seated cybex dip machine. don't want to stop lifting completely during PT, still have left side lagging ust a bit behind from last surgery, possibly due to babying left side during recovery from surgery on that shoulder, but feeling pretty good and planning on a triumphant return tp beast mode for awesome beach bod for cancn next year causing wet panties and penis envy. we should all hit cancun and leave then wondering what them.