Good morning everyone. It’s been a long time since I’ve been online. In January of 2018 we discovered by accident that I had an adenoma on my liver. I went to urgent care for a stomach bug and by pure chance the doc wanted to do a cat scan to rule out my colitis and he found a seven centimeter adenoma. They then ordered an mri to confirm it and they actually found six adenomas. Five were less than 3cm Nd the one was 7cm. Long story short they had to remove half of my liver and it’s been a long road to recovery but I’ve been back training for over a year now. An adenoma is liver tissue that doesn’t function as normal but still has an abundant blood supply and actually can rupture. The 7cm one would have killed me before I knew what was happening if it ruptured. Adenomas normally happen in women who take birth control or guys who use aas because they are triggered by high levels of estrogen and progesterone. Luckily god and my father sent me that stomach bug to get me checked out in time.

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