Quote Originally Posted by macedog24 View Post
Check This out!!!

My therapist told me the nurse for workers comp called her.

said she was surprised and caught off guard. My therapist also said she (nurse )was rude and made it out that my ortho was mad..And she ( the nurse) wanted to get me back in and seen by someone else to change my restrictions that my orthp put in place.

Is this even allowed? Is she overstepping her bounds?

How can the nurse for wc try and have someone else change what my surgeon has instructed after she saw just saw me and reevaluated me.

Some crooked and under handed shit goin on here.
Their goal is to stop paying for anything and get you back to work. I think she can say anything, but with an attorney and probably a long haul, things usually will go in your favor. In the mean time though, no income and that sux. Like guns mentioned, time to get a wc attorney. Keep working on your recovery, you are still number 1 !