Today therapy was split between 2 people. My normal therapist and an assistant.
Always start off with stim .
Followed by stretching out the shoulder and bicep, laying on th3 table while the therapist manipulates the arm.
Next she does a scapula massage/ work.
Then restretches out the shoulder.
Next. Laying on my side do shrugs.
In a circular motion clockwise then counter. Clock wise 2 top
2 back 2 bottom 2 forward equals 1. Rotation. So we do 30 in both directions.
Laying on my back t bar extensions above the head and then out to the shoulder. 30 reps both exercises. Hold 5 sec.

Laying on my side. Elbow on my side 90%.
Side laying external rotation. (Forgot the name of exercise...lmao)1lb weight
Wrist curls. 5lbs(very light)
Bicep curls 3lbs and 5lbs sets of 20 x2
Reverse curls 3lbs and 5lbs 20reps x 2
Hand Grip (blackcolor)
30 squeezes hold each for 5 seconds.

Isometrics using the wall 2 sets of each 30sec hold each.
Delt raises
Forward, top -of palm against the wall,
side -top of palm against the wall
rear -palm pressing against the wall
Standing palm against the wall elbow bent at the side 90% press inward with palm
Back of palm against the wall bent at elbow 90% angle press outward against the wall

Delt raises. 2 sets 20 reps hold 5 sec thumb upward
2.Between forward and side about 2 oclock position
3. Side raises. Raise the arm. Just under half way.

Low rows with blue bands. 2 sets x 20reps hold 5 sec

Tricep pushdowns with blue bands
2 sets 20 reps slow controlled for a 3 sec hold
2 sets 20 reps hold 5 sec standing lat pull downs with blue bands
Standing wall reach/extentions. W/towel. Trying to reach up the wall with my hand on the towel. 1 set 20 reps
Side: Cannot do these. My arm cannot turn to the side with my hand up(like when you wave to someone).

Cryo ice therapy for the shoulder 15 minutes. Done