So here is where i am. Week 9.
This process has been slow. And surprisingly painful. I only say this because i handle pain very well. Although i question myself now.

Also, not sure if i just nit pickat every little thing i feel or experience, But i pay attention to every click, popping, or snapping sound.

Ive also had cupping done a session before last. The therapist believes im having certain issues because of the right scapula/shoulder blade and lack of use. So she has been doing a massage/release in and around the right scapula/ shoulder blade.

Afterwards i am able to Almost fully do the above the head stretch/arm extention above head from laying on my back on the table without pain. Yesterday i was out for a bit witht the kids just walking in the park and allowing the kids to ride their scooters and skateboards was having some pains around the right scapula/shoulder blade. I will ask about this monday when i see the therapist.

It Was different. Never had this pain before.

My arm fatigues very quickly. Shakes often when im trying to use it for basic things. Feels heavy. Im very uncomfortable most of the day and especially when trying to sleep. But we are progressing.