Touchdown pic of some tb500
Took 2 mg. Plan was 500mcg every night. Or 2-4mg a week.
Need to order some insulin pins. In a hurry who do y'all recommend.?
Everything is body weight only.(for now)
Twice a day i remove the sling/abductor and allow my arm to hang at my side causing a naturall stretch to the bicep a little.
3 sets of curls(body weight) only moving from below the elbow.
3 sets of squats for now.
15 minutes Knee ups
3 sets of Lunges each way (6 sets total)15 reps eachway
30 min - steps
About 25 minutes of walking.
Sleep sucks bad. Cant sleep worth shit at night. Been nodding off 3-4hrs in the morning.
Been taking red bali caps for the pain. Helps a ton!
Still feel like im going crazy. Been stuck in this house a little over 2 weeks.. Torture... I cant get away from anyone....lmao
Seems most of my pain is after sleeping and some soreness after arm movement. Mainly the the upper bicep and at the shoulder where it was reattached.
Tomorrow i will call and set up P/T/rehab. Twice a week for 16 weeks.