I have referred to one of my most used resources I own. I have a firm believer in that a large percent of our pain comes from trigger points that refer to other areas. Do some reading on tibialis posterior trigger points and You Tube has good ways to self release. The symptoms are always "just that". If we can find the cause then that is a bonus but we know that sometimes is not found.

No pain radiating down the leg? Only asking because the sitting part seems to make it worse?

Guns swears by the graston and I haven't has a chance to try that but he is always on the money with advice.

Here are a couple things I find helpful and I have tried many things to cope with my pain for the past decade.

Try the leg up the wall pose to help get that blood going back up your legs. Use pillows for eas on your low back or neck, if needed.

When you are out on those great hikes...take off those boots and socks and get your feet on the dirt, grass pr sand.

Now those are just 2 simple things, that many do not open their mind too BUT, grounding is for real when it comes to pain.

What have you been doing to help this, so far?

Legs Up on Wall - Post Workout Recovery