Day 4:

Getting better day by day. Still need help getting up off the couch, but I can stand around and walk further before getting too sore. The incisions are noticeably healing. I've got three below my belly button so they could access the left and right sides to repair both hernias. Overall pain is mellowing out. When I'm just laying down not moving, there really isn't any paint it all. Only some soreness when I try to get up and get moving.

Going to the bathroom is also improving everyday. It's funny that's part of the log, but as I've noticed it's a crucial moment during the recovery process lol. I was finally able to take a shower. It was a bit of a challenge since I can't move around very well, but it's amazing how great a shower will make you feel.

I'm really starting to feel the psychological effects of staying out of the gym. I stopped working out about a week before the surgery so I'm going on two weeks out of the gym. For someone who's used to being in the gym just about every single day, it's a huge change. I've got four to six weeks away from the weights, so got to stay mentally strong.