Day 3:

Pain level has remained about the same. Some intense moments if I move around too much, but nothing unbearable. I shuffled outside to the middle of the driveway this afternoon. It's pretty humbling going from being one of the strongest people you know, to looking at the front door from the middle of the driveway and thinking "Damn I gotta make it all the way back there." That short walk left me pretty sore, so I took a Tylenol. Still staying away from the prescription pain meds.

Going to the bathroom is quite a bit better. It was pretty uncomfortable to pee the past couple days, but today not too bad. My testicles are swollen, which they said is expected and also from the air that was pumped into my abdomen. So that's pretty weird. Not painful but tender. Still need help getting up and down off the couch, but that's also getting easier. I will definitely continue the Miralax, Colace and nightly Metamucil going into to day 4.