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    Thread: Inguinal Hernia Surgery - Recovery Log

    1. #1
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      • Inguinal Hernia Surgery - Recovery Log
      • Inguinal Hernia Surgery - Recovery Log
      • Inguinal Hernia Surgery - Recovery Log
      • Inguinal Hernia Surgery - Recovery Log
      • Inguinal Hernia Surgery - Recovery Log
      I'm going to start this log for anyone who may be facing hernia surgery. I did the same with my gyno surgery a few years ago, so you can search for that too if you might be going through that as well. I'm going to document my experience through the surgery and recovery process. I searched the net before both of these surgeries trying to find anything on what it would be like so I can be prepared. However, trying to find an accurate account of what the surgery is actually like is almost like searcing for a needle in a haystack. I found some YouTube videos, but most of them were just all over the place. I think it also helps having access to someone who's gone through it who can answer questions. So, I decided to make these logs so you guys can get a good and honest idea on what these surgeries are like in my experience.

      Also, don't hesitate to send me a message if you might be facing one of these surgeries and have any questions. I'll answer them honestly and the best I can based on my experiences.

      Let's get this party started.
      Last edited by Yohimbe; 12-26-2018 at 05:55 PM.
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      Thanks for sharing and I agree, this is helpful
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      Default Re: Inguinal Hernia Surgery - Recovery Log

      will be following along man
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      Default Re: Inguinal Hernia Surgery - Recovery Log

      be interesting to see if things have changed since i had mine surgically repaired in the 90's
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      Default Re: Inguinal Hernia Surgery - Recovery Log

      Well surgery was Wednesday and I was down the rest of the day and most of yesterday, so I'm making the first two daily updates back to back now.

      Day of Surgery:

      Going under is such a weird thing. I remember then wheeling me into the surgery room and then waking up in the recovery room lol. It was a laparoscopic bilateral hernia repair. While I was under, they found a second hernia on the other side and repaired that one too. The laparoscopic procedure is supposed to be less invasive and a quicker recovery. Instead of making a big incision at the hernia, they make several small incisions around your belly button for the instruments to go in and repair.

      I woke up pretty comfortable and not much pain, just waiting for the anesthesia to wear off. They want you to pee before you leave, so I just laid there and sipped on water and sprite until I feel like I needed to go. Getting up was a bit of a *****. Not super painful, but my entire abdomen felt weak. When I started walking to the bathroom is when I could tell that I just had surgery. Everything was pretty sore. Peeing was also very uncomfortable. Didn't really hurt, just uncomfortable.

      I had to be wheeled out in a wheelchair, helped into our SUV and my wife drove me home. I posted up very carefully on the couch and pretty much slept the rest of the day and all night.
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      Day 1:

      I slept most of the day. I woke up in the afternoon and decided to try to get up and walk. They said slowly walking was good would help. I learned really quick that I needed help getting up off the couch. I haven't taken any pain medication at this point and my overall pain level is about a 5 out of 10. Surprisingly not as bad as I was expecting. Just very sore. My wife helped me up and walking was a bit of a challenge. Just gotta take it super slow and shuffle. Peeing still very uncomfortable and I'm dreading my first #2. I started drinking Miralax and taking a Colace every morning, as well as sugar free Metamucil every night to keep everything soft and moving. There aren't any diet restrictions, but I'm keeping everything to really soft foods. Nothing heavy. I found out that they pump your abdomen with gas in order to have room for the instruments to move around and a lot of that air is absorbed into your system, so I also started taking extra strength Gas-X to help with that. All in all, a very interesting but not too bad of a first day.
      Last edited by Yohimbe; 12-29-2018 at 01:25 AM.
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      Day 2:

      Woke up this morning feeling a little better. Not quite as sore as yesterday. Still haven't taken any pain medication and my pain level bounces between a 3 and 7 depending on how much I'm moving around. As long as I'm just laying still on the couch it's really not that bad. Only when I try to move around and when I get up to walk. Had my first #2 which was very interesting. You absolutely, positively, no matter what can not push. That hurts, so you just have to sit there and wait for it to make its own way. I highly recommend the Miralax and colace in the morning for anyone going through this. I don't think it would have been possible without those two supplements. I've made it a point to get up and walk around several times throughout the day and each time seems to be getting a little bit better. I can tell if I overdo it. I also highly recommend the Gas-X because the air they pump you with pretty much absorbed into your intestines and you fart all day. Like.... all damn day. Without the Gas-X I can imagine this would probably be pretty miserable.

      So far, after day 2 my biggest recommendations for anyone going through this would be to start the Miralax and Colace when you get off from surgery. The extra fiber would also be a good idea and definitely the Gas-X. The pain hasn't been extremely bad so far, just more sore and uncomfortable. I'm trying my hardest to stay away from the pain meds because they tend to back you up and like I said, you can't push. The incisions around my belly button are pretty tender today, but hoping the overall soreness continues to get better going into day 3. Also hoping the uncomfortable feeling when peeing goes away.
      Last edited by Yohimbe; 12-29-2018 at 01:38 AM.
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      Default Re: Inguinal Hernia Surgery - Recovery Log

      Man I am so glad you are doing well. Amazing they can cut you open and you still have not needed pain mebs. I tried that after my tonsils were removed and did not make it. Hurt so bad tears were flowing from my eyes but i was not crying. My son had it done after me, he barely took anything other than ibuprofen and ate a hotdog and bun the next day he woke up.

      I have heard day 4 is the corner for most people. I hope you can get there and things just get better for ya brother. Stay tough
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      Default Re: Inguinal Hernia Surgery - Recovery Log

      Quote Originally Posted by jipped genes View Post
      Man I am so glad you are doing well. Amazing they can cut you open and you still have not needed pain mebs. I tried that after my tonsils were removed and did not make it. Hurt so bad tears were flowing from my eyes but i was not crying. My son had it done after me, he barely took anything other than ibuprofen and ate a hotdog and bun the next day he woke up.

      I have heard day 4 is the corner for most people. I hope you can get there and things just get better for ya brother. Stay tough
      Thanks bro! I'm going into day 4 tomorrow and really hoping things improve quicker from there. All in all it hasn't been as much pain as I expected. There have been a few pretty painful moments when I started reaching for the pain meds, but I think the fear of a difficult #2 is really what motivates me to stay away from it lol.
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      Default Re: Inguinal Hernia Surgery - Recovery Log

      Day 3:

      Pain level has remained about the same. Some intense moments if I move around too much, but nothing unbearable. I shuffled outside to the middle of the driveway this afternoon. It's pretty humbling going from being one of the strongest people you know, to looking at the front door from the middle of the driveway and thinking "Damn I gotta make it all the way back there." That short walk left me pretty sore, so I took a Tylenol. Still staying away from the prescription pain meds.

      Going to the bathroom is quite a bit better. It was pretty uncomfortable to pee the past couple days, but today not too bad. My testicles are swollen, which they said is expected and also from the air that was pumped into my abdomen. So that's pretty weird. Not painful but tender. Still need help getting up and down off the couch, but that's also getting easier. I will definitely continue the Miralax, Colace and nightly Metamucil going into to day 4.
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      Default Re: Inguinal Hernia Surgery - Recovery Log

      Good to hear. I hope it gets better quick for ya.
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    12. #12
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      Default Re: Inguinal Hernia Surgery - Recovery Log

      Day 4:

      Getting better day by day. Still need help getting up off the couch, but I can stand around and walk further before getting too sore. The incisions are noticeably healing. I've got three below my belly button so they could access the left and right sides to repair both hernias. Overall pain is mellowing out. When I'm just laying down not moving, there really isn't any paint it all. Only some soreness when I try to get up and get moving.

      Going to the bathroom is also improving everyday. It's funny that's part of the log, but as I've noticed it's a crucial moment during the recovery process lol. I was finally able to take a shower. It was a bit of a challenge since I can't move around very well, but it's amazing how great a shower will make you feel.

      I'm really starting to feel the psychological effects of staying out of the gym. I stopped working out about a week before the surgery so I'm going on two weeks out of the gym. For someone who's used to being in the gym just about every single day, it's a huge change. I've got four to six weeks away from the weights, so got to stay mentally strong.
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    13. #13
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      Default Re: Inguinal Hernia Surgery - Recovery Log

      Quote Originally Posted by Yohimbe View Post
      Day 4:

      Getting better day by day. Still need help getting up off the couch, but I can stand around and walk further before getting too sore. The incisions are noticeably healing. I've got three below my belly button so they could access the left and right sides to repair both hernias. Overall pain is mellowing out. When I'm just laying down not moving, there really isn't any paint it all. Only some soreness when I try to get up and get moving.

      Going to the bathroom is also improving everyday. It's funny that's part of the log, but as I've noticed it's a crucial moment during the recovery process lol. I was finally able to take a shower. It was a bit of a challenge since I can't move around very well, but it's amazing how great a shower will make you feel.

      I'm really starting to feel the psychological effects of staying out of the gym. I stopped working out about a week before the surgery so I'm going on two weeks out of the gym. For someone who's used to being in the gym just about every single day, it's a huge change. I've got four to six weeks away from the weights, so got to stay mentally strong.
      Stay strong brutha. Sounds like your healing good you will be hitting the weights soon.

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      Default Re: Inguinal Hernia Surgery - Recovery Log

      Yeah uncle ric said it. stay the course and come back healthy for 2019
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      • Inguinal Hernia Surgery - Recovery Log
      • Inguinal Hernia Surgery - Recovery Log
      Thanks guys! I can tell everything is improving a lot each day. So far, it's much better than I expected it to be.
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