So last week I started to get more bloating and has than usual. By the end of the week I noticed a loss of appetite and by Saturday I had a full blown colitis flare up. After dinner I got sick before we even got the check. Sunday I was sick on and off all day. Monday was a little better and today wasn't bad but I have cut back a bit on food and all supps till I get this handled. Long story short my medicine was ridiculously expensive with my old health insurance which had a $5000 deductible. My mess were $700/month and nothing was covered till we hit the deductible. So fast forward two years later and we arrive at where I am. Luckily when the gyms changed hands my insurance got a lot better but, like a true stubborn male, without symptoms we "forget" there is a problem. I'm waiting on the pharmacy to fill my script and I have an appt at the end of the month with the specialist.
Great side note; I was supposed to get the meds last night but the doc write the script for a dose that doesn't exist so the pharmacist was going to contact him today to confirm what I need.
For those who don't know colitis has symptoms very similar to crohns. Part of my treatment is to avoid anything spicy, greasy, acidic, avoid fiber, caffeine or any other stimulant, corn and diary. With meds I could eat these things without too much worry. Without meds I did ok until recently. Doc told me when I have a flare up to just eat meat and potatoes, perfect for me. Now let's hope they don't tell me I'm due for a colonoscopy (which I know I am. It's been three years I believe).
Needless to say between the inability to control my movements and the lack of calories and supps I am taking a week off of the gym. At first I thought it would only be a few days but obviously God wants me to take more time because he has compounded my workload at work so it would be impossible to train even if I felt better. I'm shooting for Sunday to get back to it.